DNS IP Cleanup

From: jagga@chamkila.org
Date: Sat Jul 26 2003 - 18:48:09 EDT

Hi Guys,

We have dns files for about 54 buildings that we are maintaining and I
would like to do some IP cleanup since we are running out of statics and I
would like to free up the ones that are not being used. Our statics are
in the range of 200 - 250 for every subnet and the rest are reserved for
dhcp and other networking purposes. Has anyone ever done something
similar to this before? I am thinking that the best way to go about doing
this would be to create a script that touches each of these files and
pings the ips to see if it is responding and if not then stores that ip
into a different file. Please let me know if someone has done this before
and what would be the best approach for doing this. Also, if someone has
a script that does something similar I would be grateful if you could
share. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Simran H.
sunmanagers mailing list

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