Sun Forte and Sun Studio

From: Scott Fendley (
Date: Mon Jul 07 2003 - 18:50:35 EDT


I have been looking around and wanted to confirm a few things concerning
the Compilers that sun offers for purchase.

I work for a University that has been under EDU discounting for many years
(what was once known as scholar pac). The last update we have received of
our compilers is Forte 6 update 2. Well today I remembered that I have had
this copy of the media for a very long time (over a year and a half), and
went looking to see what the current version is.

 From what I can tell, Sun's Marketing people have yet again changed the
name of the compiler collection from Sun Forte to Sun One Studio. In
addition, it appears that 2 major releases have come out in the Sun One
Studio name.

So my questions are as follows:

1) Am I correct in my research that there is no more Forte product line,
and that the current set of C/C++/Fortran compilers should be coming from
Sun One Studio 8 Compiler Collection?

2) How much longer will Forte 6u2 be supported by Sun?

3) Anyone know what it is that I need to fix so that we do actually get
updated copies of the media for use on our campus under our Maintenance
agreement? Is there something that we need to put in our yearly
maintenance agreement to let Sun know we do actually want new media kits
when new releases become available.

4) Anyone know if the Forte 6u2 compilers behave properly on newer
UltraSparc III cu processors like the ones in SunBlade 2000, and SunFire
480/1280 servers?

Thanks for the expertize since it has been a while since I have been a true
sysadmin while being the Chief Security Guru for my campus.


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