Displaying XVR-1000 graphics on a Barco CRT projector

From: Scott, John J SITI-ITDIEEE (John.Scott@shell.com)
Date: Wed May 14 2003 - 10:22:53 EDT

In our Virtual reality centre we have BNC RGBVH(vertical+Horizontal sync)
cabling to our CRT projectors from our sun blade 2000 with 2x XVR-1000 cards
in it, now an external company has provided a 13w3-BNC RGBC(composite sync)
cable so we can connect the XVR-1000 output to the projector cabling. We
connect the composite BNC cable to the horizontal BNC cable and we get an
image on the projector which is constantly scrolling. It looks like we aren't
getting any vertical sync, now the external company and projector
supplier(SEOS and barco) are quite sure this should work, but I have tried
various resolutions and refresh rates with no success. I think that there may
be a need to rewire the connections at 13w3 end of the cable but does anyone
know what the connections should be ? Or has anyone else encountered similar
problems ?

Thanks, John

John Scott

UNIX Support

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