Problem on write a menu script on SSH2!

From: Theo Ng (
Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 04:39:40 EDT

Dear All,

I posted before and want to make it more clear.

Below are the files I edited:


        /bin/echo "Welcome!
        1 See today's date
        2 See who's logged in
        q Quit"

        /bin/echo "Your choice: \c"
        read ans
        while [ "$ans" != "q" ]
          case "$ans" in
              /bin/echo "Goodbye"
              exit 0
              /bin/echo "Invalid choice"
          /bin/echo "Your choice: \c"
          read ans
        exit 0

I discovered that SSH2 doesn't received input/disable input
function. Therefore it by-pass"read ans". As the result, a continuous
loop occur and display "Invalid choice". I think it doesn't relate to tty
because tty functions on stdin only. But now, it doesn't a input
prompt. I also tried to set "batchmode" to "no" and "userlogin" to "yes".

I need your help, please help me... If any information I have missed,
please let me know. Thank you so much.

PolyU of Hong Kong

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