1.1..... Using route command
 1.2..... Using netstat to show state of interfaces
 1.3..... Using ifconfig to change hardware address
 1.4..... Using eeprom to make unique quad mac addresses
 1.5..... Setting and checking speeds on ethernet cards
 1.6..... Security issues with TCP initial sequencing numbers
 1.7..... Useful routing commands
 2.1..... Reporting on swap and memory
 2.2..... Making large files
 2.3..... Process checking
 2.4..... Identifying hardware
 2.5..... Checking cpu's
 2.6..... Checking kernel  
 2.7..... Checking firmware revision
 2.8..... Checking what instance a tape drive is on
 2.9..... Removing a scsi device from a live server
 2.10.... Probe scsi devices from the OS
 2.11.... System stats using gui
 2.12.... Installation of generic scsi cdwriter
 2.13.... Obtaining instruction set size
 2.14.... Changing a machines identity
 2.15.... Photon drivers
 2.16.... Abitrary ports
 2.17.... Adding extra devices on a system
 2.18.... Disk scematics
 2.19.... SCSI and tagged command queueing problems
 2.20.... Viewing eeprom settings
 2.21.... Find out which processes are writing to a dir
 3.1..... Getting info via snmpwalk
 3.2..... Config file example
 4.1..... nafo Description
 5.1..... Checking the OBP revision
 5.2..... Adjusting settings from eeprom
 6.1..... squid.conf
 6.2..... Cache dir construction
 6.3..... Initial startup
 6.4..... Forwarding Web Requests to the same machine
 6.5..... PURGE files from squid's cache
 6.6..... Problem recognising virtual hosts
 6.7..... Squid signals 
 7.1..... Give private TTLs to hostnames
 8.1..... SCCS checking
 8.2..... Hardwire
 8.3..... Basic Calculator
 9.1..... RewriteRule
 9.2..... HTTP error codes
 9.3..... V 1.3.19 changes
 9.4..... Increasing max server limit
 9.5..... Veiwing ssl certificate info
 9.6..... Apache proxy config
 9.7..... Compiling apache + ssl + php
 9.8..... Non caching tags and HEAD
 10.1.... Installation 
 10.2.... Checking on disks
 10.3.... Reattaching disks
 11.1.... Storage tape capacities
 12.1.... Telnet to port 25
 12.2.... Process the mail queue


1.1..... Using route command
  See what interface a server uses to get to an ip addr.
  # route -n get [ip addr]
1.2..... Using netstat to show state of interfaces
  # netstat -ni
1.3..... Using ifconfig to change hardware address
  # ifconfig qfe1 ether 8:0:20:a2:bb:14 
1.4..... Using eeprom to make unique quad mac addresses
  Switches often have problems not picking up the MAC addresses from
  the quad cards on Solaris. The reason for this is that Solaris 
  by default only uses the system's MAC address so all the interfaces
  advertise the same MAC address, this can be a problem if more than
  one interface is connected to the same switch. The problem is
  corrected by making the quad card use it's own MAC address:
  # eeprom local-mac-address?=true
  And then reboot.
1.5..... Setting and checking speeds on ethernet cards
  To examine parameter values, use a ndd -get command. In particular
  link_speed reveals whether the interface is operating on 10Mbs or
  100Mbs mode (settings of 0 and 1 respectively), and link mode 
  reveals whether it is running at half or full duplex (0 and 1,
  # ndd -get /dev/hme link_speed 
  # ndd -get /dev/hme link_mode
  To perform the hard set of the link_spedd and link_mode parameters
  for hme#, several lther parameters must be set with the ndd -set 
  command. In these paramter name, 10 or 100 refers to the link_speed,
  fdx or hdx refers to link_mode, and autoneg refers to autonegotiation.
  The setting corresponding to the desired mode should be set to "1"
  and all other pararmeters should be set to "0" (adv_autoneg_cap=1 is
  the default) eg. to set hme# to 100/full duplex:
  # ndd -set /dev/hme instance #
  # ndd -set /dev/hme adv_100T4_cap 0
  # ndd -set /dev/hme adv_100fdx_cap 1
  # ndd -set /dev/hme adv_100hdx_cap 0
  # ndd -set /dev/hme adv_10fdx_cap 0
  # ndd -set /dev/hme adv_10hdx_cap 0
  # ndd -set /dev/hme adv_autoneg_cap 0 
  ndd -set commands can be used in the /etc/rc2/dS69inet initialisation
1.6..... Security issues with TCP initial sequencing numbers
  CERT raised an issue with TCP initial sequencing numbers on their
  packets. The sequencing numbers used in the initial handshake were
  guessable and therefore security risk. This was changed on solaris
  via editing /etc/default/initinet and changing the value to 2 and 
  doing the following on running systems:
  # ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_strong_iss 2
1.7..... Useful routing commands
  # route add 
     -private        RTF_PRIVATE     do not adveritse this route
     -blackhole      RTF_BLACKHOLE   silently  discard  pkts   (during
     -reject         RTF_REJECT      emit  an  ICMP  unreachable  when


2.1..... Reporting on swap and memory
  Reporting on system io, virtual memory and swap space:
  # vmstat
  # iostat
  You can also check on how busy a disk is using the following:
  # iostat -npd 2
2.2..... Making files 
  To make a file of a certain size:
  # mkfile 100m /var/tmp/100megfile
2.3..... Process checking
  Reporting on processes, like pstree
2.4..... Identifying hardware
  Got a warning in /var/adm/messages
  "WARNING: /pci@1f,4000/scsi@2/st@4,0 (st11):..."
  How do we identify the hardware device?
  Check out /etc/path_to_inst and you'll find somthing like the
  following: "/pci@1f,4000/scsi@2/st@4,0" 11 "st"
  - the first entry in quotes corresponds to the scsi device on
    the motherboard
  - the second entry without quotes is the instance number
  - the last part in double quotes is the driver name

  To break it down further:
  - In the device path name, the last component after the last / 
    character and before the @ character is the device name. 
  - The path name before the last component is the parent name. 
  - The comma separated numbers after the @ character at the end
    represent the device and function numbers, which are together
    referred to as unit-address. 
  - the st means driver for "scsi tape" device
  - if it were sd it would mean "scsi disk"
  - check out the following for a list of errors and their meanings:
  # man -s 7D st
  # man -s 7D sd
2.5..... Checking cpu's
  To check what cpu's you have on board and identify what they are:
  # psrinfo -v 
2.6..... Checking kernel  
  To check on kernel information:
  # modinfo
2.7..... Checking firmware revision
  # /usr/sbin/prtconf -V
  # /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag -v | grep OBP
2.8..... Checking what instance a tape drive is on:
  # ls -l /dev/rmt/? | sed 's/.*rmt\///'
  This will return something like the following:
  0 -> ../../devices/pci@1f,4000/scsi@3,1/st@4,0:
  The 0 at the start is what instance the drive is on. Check it by:
  # mt -f /dev/rmt/0 status
2.9..... Removing a scsi device from a live server
  This should not cause the machine to panic if it is not on the 
  same scsi bus as any disks. If it is, you may lose those disks.
  Firsly check what bus it is on either via dmesg if its a disk or
  if a tape drive, via the tape instance command in 2.8 above. If
  not on the same device, remove it, then reconfigure the bus via
2.10.... Probe scsi devices from the OS
  You can download a programe called scsiinfo-[os ver] and do a 
  probe on the system. Handy in determining what is on your scsi
  device exactly eg what make and model of tape device:
  # scsiinfo-4.6-sunos5.6 -p
  fas0: st4,0 tgt 4 lun 0:
        Synchronous(20.000MB/sec) Clean NoTaggedQueuing Wide
        Removable Tape: SUN      DLT7000          1E48          [SL]
2.11.... System stats using gui
  If you want to get a gui graph on desktop showing such things as 
  collisions, cpu, disk, swap etc... you can use the following. Note
  however, it does require the use of rpc and rstatd:
  # /usr/dt/bin/sdtperfmeter -H -t cpu -t colls -s 1
  Or alternatively:
  # /usr/openwin/bin/perfmeter -a
2.12.... Installation of generic scsi cdwriter
  cd writing and such stuff requires use of a generic scsi driver - which 
  doesnt come with solaris, there's a chappy who's done a lot of the work
  for you though and here how you install the kernel module.
  URL: ftp://ftp.fokus.gmd.de/pub/unix/kernel/scg/
  Get SCHILYscg.sparc.tar.Z package plus the appropriate kernel module for
  the OS, ie: sparcv9 for Sol 5.7 and 5.8
  # zcat SCHILYscg.sparc.tar.Z | tar xvf -
  # pkgadd -d .
  Install package, this installs a really old driver into /kernel/drv/
  Copy in the new module
  # cp scg-sparcv9-sol2.7.beta /kernel/drv/scg
  Check to see if you're already got the module loaded 
  # modinfo | grep scg
  Try loading the module and then create the devices etc:-
  # modload /kernel/drv/scg
  # modinfo | grep scg
    218 784a2000   4a71 204   1  scg (SCSI General Driver)
  # drvconfig && devlinks 
  (drvconfig is deprecated in 5.8 and devfsadm replaces it)
  # ls -la odev/sg*
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     other          41 Apr 17 10:56 /dev/scg0 ->
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     other          43 Apr 17 10:56 /dev/scg1 ->
  # tail /var/adm/messages
    Apr 17 10:56:10 wsit038 scsi: [ID 193665 kern.info] scg0 at glm0: target 0 lun 0
    Apr 17 10:56:10 wsit038 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] scg0 is
    Apr 17 10:56:10 wsit038 scsi: [ID 193665 kern.info] scg1 at glm1: target 0 lun 0
    Apr 17 10:56:10 wsit038 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] scg1 is
2.13.... Obtaining instruction set size
    Answers questions about whether 64-bit or 32-bit applications are 
    # isainfo -v
2.14.... Changing a machines identity
    If you want to change a systems hostname, ip addr, domain name, etc...
    use the following command: NOTE: THIS COMMAND HALTS THE SYSTEM. 
    # sys-unconfig
    This removes the hostname, ip addr, netmask, domain name etc... , 
    and halts the machine. Reboot the machine and it prompts for the
    information again before rebooting and coming back up again with
    its changed hostname and identity.
2.15.... Photon drivers
    Had some real issues with the disks on the Photon unable to be seen
    by the OS. When a format command was run, the only disks it would
    turn up was the E450's. Turned out the following packages were missing:
    These were bundled on 2.5.1 and 2.7, but not on 2.6 We located the
    drivers disk - has FC100 on the cover - and installed the drivers
    from there. There was no need to reboot, the E450 could see the
    disks in the Photon straight away.
    # luxadm probe -p   gives their location 
    lux packages also need to be installed. These are usually on the 2.6 cd
2.16.... Abitrary ports
    Ports that can be used for local system programming are in a range
    that can be found from the following:
    # ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_largest_anon_port
    # ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_smallest_anon_port
    An example is ORACLE processes who try connections continually.
2.17.... Adding extra devices on a system
    After installing a system and later adding a scsi device. To ensure
    the system can see the newly added device, do the following:
    # drvconfig  - configures the /devices directory
    # disks      - if the device is a disk
    # tapes      - if the device is a tape, use of these commands creates
                   /dev entries for hard disks attached to the system
    # devlinks   - adds /dev entries for miscellaneous devices and 
2.18.... Disk scematics
   When cheking out individual disks, even photons:
   # prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2
   * /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 partition map
   * Dimensions:
   *     512 bytes/sector
   *      64 sectors/track
   *      64 tracks/cylinder
   *    4096 sectors/cylinder
   *    4298 cylinders
   *    4296 accessible cylinders
   Disk size = 512x64x64x4298 /1024 /1024 = 8596 MB
2.19.... SCSI and tagged command queueing problems
  While doing a dump to a scsi tape drive and tape stacker, the following
  error kept on turning up in logs on a Solaris 2.6 box:
  DUMP: Warning - cannot read sector 2854226644 of `/dev/vx/rdsk/datadg/vol06'
  DUMP: bread: DEV_LSEEK2 error
  DUMP: Warning - cannot read sector 2854226645 of `/dev/vx/rdsk/datadg/vol06'
  DUMP: bread: dev_seek error
  Turns out that this is a result Tagged Command Queueing (TCQ) which is an
  optional part of SCSI-2. TCQ permits a drive to accept multiple I/O requests
  for execution later. These requests are "tagged" by a reusable id so that
  the drive and the OS can keep track of them. The drive can reorder these
  requests to optimize seeks. 

  SunsOS 4.x and earlier never used tagged queueing. However, Solaris 2.x
  will make use of tagged queuing if the drive claims to support it.
  Unfortunately, some drive manufacturers have found it hard to design 
  their drives to do tagged queueing properly, and this particular area
  has been a common source of bugs in drive firmware. If it isn't possible
  to turn off tagged queueing in the drive that is causing the problem,
  Solaris 2.x can be told not to use tagged queueing at all, by putting
  the following line in /etc/system:
     set scsi_options & ~0x80
  The "scsi_options" kernel variable contains a number of bit flags which
  are defined in /usr/include/sys/scsi/conf/autoconf.h  0x80 corresponds
  corresponds to tagged queueing.

  However, this turns off tagged queueing for the entire machine, not just
  the problematic drive. Because tagged queueing can provide a significant
  performance enhancement for busy drives, this may not always be desirable.
  It is possible to disable tagged queueing and set or clear other scsi
  options on a per-controller or per-drive bases. Check esp(7) and isp(7)
  man pages.
2.20.... Viewing eeprom settings
  # ./prtconf -vp
2.21.... Find out which processes are writing to a dir
  Had the problem where /proc fs was filling up disk. This usually happens
  where a process was writing a large file and didn't finish before it died.
  To check what files were open to which process in /proc, did the following.
  # fuser /proc
  this returned...
  /proc:    11816c   11735o    4794c    4784c    4550c    1720o    1660o    1600o    1182o     179o   11816c    4794c    4550c
  all the files with a "o" next to them state they are open by the pid of the preceeding
  number. So a ps -eaf | grep 11735 will tell us what is writing to /proc/11735o
  BTW. Couldn't clear the problem until I rebooted.


3.1..... Getting info via snmpwalk
  *nb cri2ic is the community string.
  -for process information:
  # /usr/local/bin/snmpwalk -v 1 localhost cri2ic .
  -for disk information:
  # /usr/local/bin/snmpwalk -v 1 localhost cri2ic .
  -to check if the snmp daemon is responding correctly:
  # /usr/local/bin/snmpwalk -v 1 localhost cri2ic system
3.2..... Config file example
  com2sec local     localhost       knobby
  com2sec mynetwork      cri2ic
  com2sec ninetwork     knobby
  com2sec mynetwork     cri2ic

  group MyRWGroup v1         local
  group MyRWGroup v2c        local
  group MyRWGroup usm        local
  group MyROGroup v1         mynetwork
  group MyROGroup v2c        mynetwork
  group MyROGroup usm        mynetwork
  group MyROGroup v1         ninetwork
  group MyROGroup v2c        ninetwork
  group MyROGroup usm        ninetwork

  view all    included  .1                               80

  access MyROGroup ""      any       noauth    exact  all    none   none
  access MyRWGroup ""      any       noauth    exact  all    all    none

  syslocation Level3
  syscontact kevin.doherty@dexterus.com

  proc  sshd1 10 1

  # exec shelltest /bin/sh /var/tmp/shtest

  disk /
  disk /var
  disk /u02 
  disk /u01
  disk /web-db1-arch1
  disk /web-db1-arch1/u02/arch1
  disk /etc/opt/SUNWcluster/conf/ccdssa

  load 12 14 14


4.1..... nafo Description
  A point of interest is that the 192.168.112 interface on the boxes was
  on qfe4 but there was no /etc/hostname.qfe4 file. 

  Enter /etc/pnmconfig

  nafo0 qfe0 qfe4
  nafo1 qfe1 qfe5
  nafo2 qfe2 

  The nafo stands for "network auto failover" and the file is used in conjunction with
  the package SUNWpnm - Sun Cluster Public Network Management. Basically once qfe0
  fails, qfe4 takes over. Then if qfe4 fails, qfe0 takes over etc... the same with
  qfe1 and qfe5

  This can be viewed in /var/adm/messages:
  Nov  8 15:16:44 dbvlive1 unix: SUNW,qfe0: Link Down - cable problem?
  Nov  8 15:16:48 dbvlive1 last message repeated 2 times
  Nov  8 15:16:49 dbvlive1 unix: SUNW,qfe0: Using Internal Transceiver
  Nov  8 15:16:49 dbvlive1 unix: SUNW,qfe0: 100 Mbps half-duplex Link Up
  Nov  8 15:17:01 dbvlive1 ID[SUNWcluster.pnm.pnmd.5001]: Bk_gp (nafo0) Status (DOUBT); Adp (qfe0) Status (DOUBT)
  Nov  8 15:17:22 dbvlive1 ID[SUNWcluster.pnm.pnmd.4502]: Bk_gp (nafo0) Status (DOUBT); Adp (qfe0) Status (DOWN)
  Nov  8 15:17:22 dbvlive1 ID[SUNWcluster.pnm.pnmd.6003]: failover in nafo0 from qfe0 to qfe4
  Nov  8 15:17:22 dbvlive1 ID[SUNWcluster.pnm.pnmd.XXXX]: kstat_chk(): kstat_named_value returned 0
  Nov  8 15:17:28 dbvlive1 ID[SUNWcluster.pnm.pnmd.6001]: Bk_gp (nafo0) Status (OK); Adp (qfe4) Status (OK)

5.1..... Checking the OBP revision
  ok .version
5.2..... Adjusting settings from eeprom
  # eeprom use-nvramrc?=true
  # eeprom nvramrc='devalias secondary /sbus@b,0/SUNW,fas@3,8800000/sd@e,0'


6.1..... squid.conf
  The following was taken from Level3 squid.conf for an accelerator 
  residing on the same hardware as the web server:
    http_port 80
    httpd_accel_port 8080
    httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
    httpd_accel_single_host on
    emulate_httpd_log on

    cache_effective_user nobody
    cache_effective_group nogroup

    cache_dir  ufs -1 /export/home/cache 500 32 10
    cache_access_log  /export/home/cache/access.log
    cache_log  /export/home/cache/cache.log
    cache_store_log none

    positive_dns_ttl 5 minutes
    redirect_children 5

    acl all src
    acl manager proto cache_object
    acl localhost src
    acl SSL_ports port 443 563
    acl Safe_ports port 80 21 443 563 70 210 1025-65535
    acl CONNECT method CONNECT
    acl ftp url_regex ^ftp://
    acl banned url_regex 101cd

    http_access allow manager localhost
    http_access deny manager
    http_access deny !Safe_ports
    http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
    http_access allow all
    icp_access allow all
    logfile_rotate 1
    miss_access allow all

    cachemgr_passwd disable all
    store_avg_object_size 9 KB

6.2..... Cache dir construction
  # mkdir /usr/local/squid/cache
  Although not good security-wise, had to give full permissions to allow
  the squid command to create the cache dir structure. Better to give the
  dir a userid and userid with permissions 770
  # chmod 777 /usr/local/squid/cache 
  # /usr/local/squid/bin/squid -z
6.3..... Troubleshooting configuration
  The following entries were required to be added to get squid to run and
  Got the following error:
  Unknown cache_dir type '/var/squid/cache'
  Solution: the cache_dir option changed with version 2.3. It now takes a 
            type argument. Insert ufs into the line, like this:
            cache_dir ufs /var/squid/cache ...
6.4..... Initial startup
  # /usr/local/squid/bin/squid -N -d 1 -D
      -N  No daemon mode.
      -d  level  Write debugging to stderr also.
      -D  Disable initial DNS tests.
6.5..... PURGE files from squids cache
  There are two ways you can do this. Either run squids client program with 
  the PURGE option:
  # /usr/local/squid/bin/client -m PURGE -p 80 http://wsit033/dir/filename
  Or you can telnet to the port squid is listening on and use PURGE instead
  of GET:
  # telnet wsit033 80
  Connected to wsit033.
  Escape character is '^]'.
6.6..... Problem recognising virtual hosts
  After installing an accelerator, squid would not return a specific virtual
  host configured in apache, falling through to the default instead. This 
  was a known bug in earlier releases of squid and fixed in later versions.
  The following configs had to be added to the squid.conf file after a newer
  binary was copied over:
    httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
    httpd_accel_single_host on
    emulate_httpd_log on
6.7..... Squid signals
  Use any of the following with the squid binary and -k switch:     
  -k reconfigure
     Sends a HUP signal, which causes Squid to re-read its
     configuration files.
  -k rotate
     Sends an USR1 signal, which causes Squid to rotate its log
     files.  Note, if logfile_rotate is set to zero, Squid still
     closes and re-opens all log files.
  -k shutdown
     Sends a TERM signal, which causes Squid to wait briefly for
     current connections to finish and then exit.  The amount of time
     to wait is specified with shutdown_lifetime.
  -k interrupt
     Sends an INT signal, which causes Squid to shutdown immediately,
     without waiting for current connections.
  -k kill
     Sends a KILL signal, which causes the Squid process to exit
     immediately, without closing any connections or log files.  Use
     this only as a last resort.
  -k debug
     Sends an USR2 signal, which causes Squid to generate full
     debugging messages until the next USR2 signal is recieved.
     Obviously very useful for debugging problems.
  -k check
     Sends a ``ZERO'' signal to the Squid process.  This simply
     checks whether or not the process is actually running.

7.1..... Give private TTLs to hostnames
  Its possible to have a TTL for both the db file and a private address
  within the same db file. Add the TTL for the host BEFORE the IN A 
  record. eg.
  cujo    3600  IN A    ;  explicit TTL of 1 hour
  Or alternatively in the same file:
   $TTL 900
   www             IN      CNAME   live.tes.co.uk.
   scotland        IN      A
   prod            IN      A

   $TTL 86400
   secure          CNAME   ntfm147.facility.pipex.com.
   dev.prod        IN      A


8.1..... SCCS checking
   To check what particular changes were done on a file:
   # sccs prs tesjobs | more
   To see the differences between the old file and the new file:
   # sccsdiff -r1.10 -r1.11 SCCS/s.tesjobs
   To place a file under SCCS control after creating it:
   # sccs create [filename]
8.2..... Hardwire
   machine was an E220R, with no graphics card so therefore could only
   use either (i)serial terminal (ii)connect on another machine with a
   serial port and use tip. Normal screens cannot be used without a 
   graphics card and when it is installed it is only of one of 2 types.
   Managed to get a null-modem cable and connect to my machine via serial
   port a on both machines. First of all we had to edit /etc/remote
   and make sure the following line was in there:
   Then at the command prompt type: tip hardwirea 
   This didn't work initially, but after rebooting the E220R, it came up
   ok. You can break out of a tip session with shift-tilda fullstop,  
   simulate a "break" sequence at the boot prom by shift-tilda hash and
   get a list of all tip commands by shift-tilda question mark.
8.3..... Basic Calculator
   # bc

9.1..... RewriteRule
   This is used where say, a dir under a webserver doesn't exist,
   and you want to create a pseudo name so once it is typed into
   the browsers URL, apache will be able to direct the request to
   the correct place. Common in complex server applications with
   database backends such as Vignette (Storyserver).
   eg. say you wanted http://www.websitename.whatever/sport to 
   point to a particular section in the database. The following
   would have to go into httpd.conf WITHIN the virtual host
   configuration (if its a virtualhost):
   NOTE: there is a ceiling of 256 rewrites on an individual server

  # Rewrites go here NOT Redirects.
  RewriteEngine on
  # sport added 12/04/01, no expire - new section [sdavis]
       RewriteRule ^/sport$            /sport/         [R]
       RewriteRule ^/sport/$           /section/0,,4,00.html   [PT]
  # end of sport rewrite
  If you wanted to add a subdir of a dir, say /features/foodanddrink 
  you would add it into the section between "end of sport rewrite" and
  "/IfModule" above
  eg. http://www.websitename.whatever/features/foodanddrink

  # foodanddrink added 12/04/01, no expire - new section [sdavis]
        RewriteRule ^/features/foodanddrink$    /features/foodanddrink/  [R]
        RewriteRule ^/features/foodanddrink/$   /section/0,,73,00.html  [PT]
  # end of foodanddrink rewrite
9.2..... HTTP error codes
  100 Continue 
  101 Switching Protocols 
  200 OK 
  201 Created 
  202 Accepted 
  203 Non-Authoritative Information 
  204 No Content 
  205 Reset Content 
  206 Partial Content 
  300 Multiple Choices 
  301 Moved Permanently 
  302 Moved Temporarily 
  303 See Other 
  304 Not Modified 
  305 Use Proxy 
  400 Bad Request 
  401 Unauthorized 
  402 Payment Required 
  403 Forbidden
  404 Not Found 
  405 Method Not Allowed
  406 Not Acceptable 
  407 Proxy Authentication Required 
  408 Request Time-Out 
  409 Conflict 
  410 Gone 
  411 Length Required 
  412 Precondition Failed 
  413 Request Entity Too Large 
  414 Request-URL Too Large 
  415 Unsupported Media Type 
  500 Server Error 
  501 Not Implemented 
  502 Bad Gateway 
  503 Out of Resources 
  504 Gateway Time-Out 
  505 HTTP Version not supported
9.3..... V 1.3.19 changes
  In eons passed you could do the following:-
  ScriptAlias     /cgi-bin        /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
  Proxy           /               http://${host}:${port}/
  Unfortunately this no longer works in 1.3.19, to get around this 
  we do some magic with mod_rewrite (option module)
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule !^/cgi-bin  http://db2:8083%{REQUEST_URI} [proxy]
  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/thesun/"
9.4..... Increasing max server limit
  Apache by defaults has a hard max server limit of 256, if this is easily
  reached - you need to add the following to either the httpd.h
  or in src/Configuration:
9.5..... Veiwing ssl certificate info
  # openssl x509 -noout -text -in [name].crt
9.6..... Apache proxy config
  ServerName      webmail.newsint.co.uk
  Redirect        /       http://webmail2.newsint.co.uk

  ServerName      webmail2.newsint.co.uk
  ProxyRequests Off
  ProxyPass / http://webmail2/
  ErrorLog        /var/log/apache/log/error_log
  TransferLog     /var/log/apache/log/access_log
  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/"
    SetHandler default-handler
    Options -ExecCGI
9.7..... Compiling apache + ssl + php
  Will need the following tar files or equivelent:

  After untarring in your /usr/local/src, get about compiling and installing:
  -compile up openssl as per instructions in INSTALL
  # cd /usr/local/src/mod_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20
  # ./configure --with-apache=/usr/local/src/apache_1.3.20
  # cd /usr/local/src/apache_1.3.20
  # ./configure
  # cd /usr/local/src/php-4.0.5
  # CFLAGS='-O2 -I/usr/local/ssl/include' \
  > ./configure \
  > --with-apache=/usr/local/src/apache_1.3.20 
  # make
  # make install
  # cd /usr/local/src/apache_1.3.20
  # SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl \
  > ./configure \
  > --enable-module=ssl --enable-shared=ssl\
  > --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a \
  > --enable-module=php4 --enable-shared=php4 \
  > --enable-module=headers --enable-shared=headers \
  > --enable-module=expires --enable-shared=expires \
  > --enable-module=rewrite --enable-shared=rewrite \
  > --enable-module=speling --enable-shared=speling 
  # make
  # make certificate TYPE=test CRT=/usr/local/apache KEY=/usr/local/apache
  # make install
apache_1.3.20/                          at time of writing, the latest version
mod_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20/                   The Mod_ssl apache module
                                        Php is just too useful not to use
patch-2.5.4/                            Required for mod_ssl to patch against
                                        OpenSSL - so mod_ssl can link against it

Firstly compile up both the openssl directories, basically doing the usual
./configure && make

Then compile up mod_ssl with the following:-

./configure     --with-apache=../apache_1.3.20 \
                --with-ssl \

This will pull in the locations of the openssl stuff as well as tell mod_ssl
where to patch against apache.

Now compile and install apache with the following mystical commands:-
SSL_BASE=../openssl-0.9.6a ./configure \
        --enable-module=most    \
        --enable-shared=max     && make

This should make and install apache into /usr/local/apache - giving you
most of the modules as DSO (Dynamic Shared Objects) which makes it quite
easy to upgrade individual objects later - then we compile up php as another
DSO object.

cd php-4.0.5/
./configure --with-oci8=/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6 \
        --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
make && make install

Now you should just need to do final config of apache and create a few
test files in the docroot - the following works quite well with php

# cat index.php


then start apache (to generate test ssl keys - follow mod_ssl's docs)

  Now edit httpd.conf and add the following:
   LoadModule speling_module     libexec/mod_speling.so
   LoadModule rewrite_module     libexec/mod_rewrite.so
   LoadModule expires_module     libexec/mod_expires.so
   LoadModule headers_module     libexec/mod_headers.so
    LoadModule ssl_module         libexec/libssl.so
   LoadModule php4_module        libexec/libphp4.so
   AddModule mod_env.c
   AddModule mod_log_config.c
   AddModule mod_mime.c
   AddModule mod_negotiation.c
   AddModule mod_status.c
   AddModule mod_include.c
   AddModule mod_autoindex.c
   AddModule mod_dir.c
   AddModule mod_cgi.c
   AddModule mod_asis.c
   AddModule mod_imap.c
   AddModule mod_actions.c
   AddModule mod_speling.c
   AddModule mod_userdir.c
   AddModule mod_alias.c
   AddModule mod_rewrite.c
   AddModule mod_access.c
   AddModule mod_auth.c
   AddModule mod_expires.c
   AddModule mod_headers.c
   AddModule mod_so.c
   AddModule mod_setenvif.c
   AddModule mod_ssl.c
   AddModule mod_php4.c
9.8..... Non caching tags and HEAD
  To ensure private data is not cached, place the following in head:

  You can view the head via telnetting to port 80:
  # telnet vig-times 80
  Connected to vignette2.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  HEAD /crosswordClub/1,,63,00.html http/1.1
  host: vig-times

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 14:46:21 GMT
  Server: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) PHP/4.0.4pl1
  Cache-Control:  no-cache, no-store, private
  Pragma:  No-cache
  Expires:  Tue, 20 Jun 1995 04:13:09 GMT
  Cache-Control:  no-cache, private, max-age=0
  Pragma:  No-cache
  Expires:  Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT
  Connection: close
  Content-Type: text/html

  Connection closed by foreign host.


 10.1.... Installation 
    Had to install a E420R with a Photon StorEdge 5200
    Firstly install the software from the cd as per instructions
    vxinstall will do the honours after the cd install.
    When the system comes back up, run the following command to 
    ensure that Veritas can see all the disks:
    # /usr/sbin/vxdisk list
    If it cannot, check your photon configuration and see if the 
    fibre cables are plugged into the correct channels at the back
    of the Photon. BTW, you can run vxinstall over the top a 
    previous vxinstall, despite warnings.
    In most cases, the mirrored disks will be in a group outside
    rootdg which is the default. You can create the groups on the
    fly using vxdiskadm. Mine held an Oracle db, so called the 
    group oradg. 
    Next mirror the disks. In my config, the disks in the array
    were in a split loop and the fibre cables in the back were plugged
    into the wrong channel. As a result, during the vxinstall the 
    backend disks weren't initialised, so had to do this manually
    while mirroring.
    First of all, enable vxdctl. This is the Volume Configuration 
    Daemon and interfaces between Volume Manager Commands and the 
    Kernel device drivers
    # vxdctl enable
    Next, we need to get VM to see the disk
    # /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -i [cxtxdx]
    We then use vxdiskadm to initialise the disk and then add it to
    its appropriate group
    # vxdiskadm (select initialise, and then add to a group)
    Then, make the primary volume/filesystem which you will mirror on
    to your newly initialised disk. Note the disk name below is the 
    PRIMARY disk, ie the disk to BE mirrored.
    # vxassist maxsize [cxtxdx] (gives us the max size for the next cmd)
    Make the primary Volume/FS, the 35362816 is the max size result and 
    u01 is the name of the volume, it is also to be the name of the
    partition to be mounted 
    # vxassist make u01 35362816 [cxtxdx]
    Newfs the primary disk. The oradg was the name of our VM disk group,
    as opposed to rootdg which was the default
    # newfs -i 16384 -m 5 /dev/vx/rdsk/oradg/u01
    Now mirror the second disk (the one previously initialised) onto the
    primary disk (the disk in brackets is the secondary disk). Note, 
    you do not newfs the second disk. A straight up mirror of the first
    disk is good enough. Alternatively you could make the primary disk,
    mirror and then newfs u01 
    # vxassist mirror u01 [cxtxdx]
    Make the directory to be mounted
    # mkdir /u01
    Mount the directory
    # mount /dev/vx/dsk/oradg/u01 /u01
    Just edit /etc/vfstab, reboot to be sure everything mounts ok 
    and you're done.
10.2.... Checking on disks
   To check to see what the disks are doing:
   # vxprint -Ath | more
   # vxtask list -l
   Show all disks within the groups
   # vxdisk list
   See if a group has come online
   # vxdg list
   Display the volume, plex and subdisk for all volumes
   # vxprint -ht
   Show unstartable volumes
   # vxinfo
   Print stats about VM objects and block devs under VM control
   # vxstat
   Display general information about all subdisks
   # vxprint -st
   Display complete information about a subdisk
   # vxprint -l [subdisk namd]
   Display detailed information about all plexes in the system
   # vxprint -lp
   List any free plexes
   # vxprint -pt
   List information on all volumes
   # vxprint -vt
   Show current tasks in Volume manager
   # vxtask list
10.3.... Reattaching disks
   If vxprint -ht shows disks as disabled or stale reporting no device
   run the following and monitor from vxtask list
   # vxreattach -rb
10.4.... Restarting vxrelocd and vxsparecheck
   These often die in Volume Manager. The commands to restart them are 
   in the startup script /etc/rc2.d/S95vxvm-recover. Before you start
   them up however, you'll have to ensure that they won't die when you
   exit the shell. Basically, you have to tell the shell to ignore any
   SIGHUP signals first. Do this by the following:
   # trap '' 1
   If you now type "trap", you'll see SIGHUP's are ignored
   Then restart the daemons:
   # export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/vxvm/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
   # vxrelocd volmgr_customers@it.newsint.co.uk &
   # vxsparecheck root &

11.1.... Storage tape capacities
   Tape      Native Storage     Compressed Storage
   DLT4000       20 GB                40 GB
   DLT7000       35 GB                80 GB
   DDS-3         12 GB                24 GB
   DDS-4         20 GB                40 GB
   8MM STANDARD   7 GB                14 GB
   8MM MAMMOTH   20 GB                40 GB

11.2.... Hardware
   E4500 - db1 dbvlive1 dbvlive2
   E3500 - int-srv1, int-srv2 db2 int-fir1 int-fir2
   E420R - dtdb1 dtdb2
   E220R - dtapp1 dtapp2
   Ultra 5 - bvlfir1 bvlftp devproxy
   Netra-t1 - dtweb1 dtweb2


12.1.... Telnet to port 25
   # telnet  mta.excite.com 25 
   >>> HELO mta.excite.com
   >>> MAIL From:
   >>> RCPT To:
   >>> DATA
   >>> .
   >>> QUIT
12.2.... Process the mail queue
   # /usr/lib/sendmail -v -q