Contributed by Doug Hughes

This procedure describes how you would go about creating a RAID-5 log partition by hand at a particular location (in case vxassist addlog wouldn't work or was insufficient for a particular reason).

  1. First, figure out the minimum size for the log. Usually this is done by dividing the number of sectors on the disk by the number of cylinders on the disk. e.g. for a Sun 2g disk you'd probably get 1540, and for a 9G disk you'd probably get 2160 or thereabouts. This information is available from format
  2. Make the subdisk e.g.:
    # vxmake -g dewy sd disk22-10 dm_name=disk22 dm_offset=8376480 len=2160
  3. Make the plex:
    # vxmake -g dewy plex volname-02 layout=concat state=LOG
  4. Attach the subdisk to the plex:
    # vxsd -g dewy assoc volname-02 dewy22-10
  5. Attach the plex to the volume:
    # vxplex -g dewy att volname volname-02