Re: sql injection: url or form based?

From: AdamT (
Date: Fri Feb 10 2006 - 11:39:31 EST

On 2/10/06, johnny Mnemonic <> wrote:
> I see many references to manipulation of SQL backend databases through both
> URL based and Forms based SQL injection but I'm wondering what are the
> essentials differences between both methods and when to use one over the
> other.
> Thanks.
If I understand what you're asking correctly - then the difference is
based on what the web page is expecting the data to be.

If your ASP/PHP/ColdFusion/whatever script is expecting data to arrive
as part of a HTTP GET request, then you'd use a URL-based attack, as
your browser would essentially be requesting a web page with something
like this:

GET /scripts/insecure.php?variable=some_invalid_data /HTTP/1.0

and if the script is expecting something sent as a POST request, then
you'd want a 'form' based attack.

This is a bit misleading, calling it a form-based attack, as HTML
forms can use both GET and POST methods. Have a look in the HTML
source of one of the forms, and you should see something like:

action="insecure.php" method=POST

One thing you can try for POST data is to take a copy of the form,
save it locally and add a BASE HREF="http://path/to/original/file" in
the HTML. Doing the BASE HREF trick also allows you to remove any
kind of clientside bounds checking put in with javascript or HTML.
You might have to spoof the referer header for some sites when you do
this, or at the very least, remove that header.

If you're going to be doing lots of SQL injection attacks via web
pages, you might like to take a look at Fiddler - - which I find is quite useful.

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