RE: Rainbow Tables

From: Simpson, Brett (
Date: Thu Feb 09 2006 - 12:59:53 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Stark []
> Subject: Re: Rainbow Tables


> Reason for this...the idea is that if we take the current
> list of passwords
> create a pre-computed hash table the next time we audit we'd
> run LC5 (till I
> convense them otehrwise) and all but the passwords that
> changed and new
> accounts would get knocked out right away.
> Does anyone have a hint as to how I should do this? Is there
> a way to take
> the hashes and the cracked clear text and merge them into a table?

For non lan manager hashes this would require a tremendouse amount of
disk space (tera to peta bytes). Every password can have a large number
of salts (the exact number depends of the type of hash i.e. md5,

So let's say you have a UNIX system using the older crypt then you would
have 4096 salts that are possible per password. So for every clear text
version of a password you would have to store 4096 different salts. I
have an English dictionary I use with JtR so 411,563 words.. Then I use
rules mode and that number jumps to 15,773,164 (171MB). Now times that
by 4096 salts and you get 64,606,879,744 variations (700+ TB).

For Windows if your looking at the lanman hashes (not nt hashes) then
they only have one salt so it would be possible to generate a table on
common words and variations for only a couple hundred megabytes.

You should also read the teracrack article.

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