Paros 3.2.9 release

Date: Sat Jan 14 2006 - 12:02:22 EST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Paros 3.2.9 is released. This version contains bug fix with several minor enhancements. All users are recommended to upgrade to this version.

The new verison is available at

Bug reports and comments on Paros can be sent to [contact at parosproxy org].


If you have installed the old version on or after 3.2.4, you can directly install this new version.

If you are using version prior to 3.2.4, you should uninstall the old version first.

Default installation will use a maximum VM size of 64M. For large application testing, you may adjust it depending on your need
and the memory you have (eg 128M)


Paros is a man-in-the-middle proxy and application vulnerability scanner. It allows
users to intercept, modify and debug HTTP and HTTPS data on-the-fly between web
server and client browser. It also supports spidering, proxy-chaining, filtering
and application vulnerability scanning.

[License] - Clarified Artistic License (open source and GPL-compatible license)

[Details/new features]

- Continuous browser display when selecting in History panel.
- Use final stable version of external library.
- Record working directory for all subsequent file access within the same Paros instance.

Thanks to Christophe for the following:
- Improved spider capability to crawl forms with textarea and handle links with "&"
- Improved check for cross-site script without bracket.
- Improved check for PHP error and MySQL.
- Improved blind sql check on double quotes.

- if request body contain certain binary bytes it may cause unnecessary encoding. Fixed to always submit contain binary bytes.
- better handling of accepted-encoding.

Audit your website security with Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner:

Hackers are concentrating their efforts on attacking applications on your
website. Up to 75% of cyber attacks are launched on shopping carts, forms,
login pages, dynamic content etc. Firewalls, SSL and locked-down servers are
futile against web application hacking. Check your website for vulnerabilities
to SQL injection, Cross site scripting and other web attacks before hackers do!
Download Trial at:

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