RE: Passwords with Lan Manager (LM) under Windows

From: Craig Wright (
Date: Wed Sep 21 2005 - 15:32:20 EDT

Even NTLMv2 will break the hashing into chunks which are able to be individually broken down. Consider Lanman gone - as it is the tables are completely finished for lanman with ANY combination of Alt+xxx chars
NTLM is close to completion
A 255 char NTLM v2 password is easy as it is derived in chunks as I posted previously - each of these can be checked individually in a table
I can load the complete lanman tables on my laptop - so why should I care about John or something else? The simple answer is - I get the raw hash - I have your password

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Tim []
        Sent: Wed 21/09/2005 3:55 AM
        Subject: Re: Passwords with Lan Manager (LM) under Windows
The hash is not case sensitive, everything is pushed to uppercase.
As for the 142 Chars I know it supports 0-9,A-Z,special chars, and
some Alt-ASCII characters but I don't know to what extent.

On 9/20/05, <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Lan Manager (LM) is one of the oldest authentication protocols that Microsoft has used. It was first introduced with Windows 3.11 and is not very secureThe hash is case-insensitive.
> * The character set is limited to 142 characters.
> * The hash is broken down into 2-7 character chunks. If the password is shorter than 14 characters, the password will be padded with nulls to get the password to 14 characters.
> * The hash result is a 128-bit value.
> * The hash is one-way function.

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