Re: Security with USB Devices

From: Jeff Shawgo (
Date: Fri Aug 05 2005 - 10:17:02 EDT

> You need to be logged in as an Administrator to install hardware
> devices, by default, in Windows... And this kind of attack has been
> around for years (a small few-MB stick is overkill for a small script
> calling a local exploit and then running, say, pwdump2, and then
> bmail-ing the output to a remote mail server <total required size =
> about 50k>)...
> J. Theriault

Actually, you only need to have Admin rights to add a "NEW" driver to a system. If you are utilizing one that is included with Windows by default (like many ATAPI CD devices use) then you are using one already present, and don't need rights. Kind of like adding and removing a CD drive from a bay in a laptop.

The same goes for USB drivers (and printer drivers). If it's in the default Windows (I belive) then you're golden. When you add a new device to a machine, sometimes you need to provide a driver, and sometimes you don't. That's why.


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