Re: Rooting out false positives

From: Renaud Deraison (
Date: Tue Jul 19 2005 - 11:25:16 EDT

On Jul 19, 2005, at 1:50, Scott Fuhriman wrote:

> Rather than rooting out false positives, it is a question of
> understanding
> the vulnerability and how it can be exploited through other means
> than an
> obvious direct approach.

Exactly. And it's also a matter of understanding why and how this
alert showed up in the first place.

One of my main disappointement with the Nessus project in general is
how some people tend to react when it finds some "new" flaws. A good
example for this are some of the "generic" checks we write for FTP,
HTTP and so forth (send a too long username or a lot of '%s%n', and
see how the remote server reacts. If it crashes there might be a
problem) : When Nessus finds something suspicious, it reports it to
the end user who often dismiss the plugin output very quickly because
a SecurityFocus search shows no such problem with the incriminated
FTP server, or because the plugin itself mentions a problem in
FooFTPd while the tested server was BarFTPd. In other words, a lot of
end-users do not want to find new problems.

While these particular plugins are not false positive-proof, and
while we should also sometime change the description to be more
generic, a good pen tester using Nessus (as one of his many tools --
don't get me started on the "Nessus Scan" == "Pen Test" subject)
should definitely install the software and try to understand what's
going on and why the plugin is generating such an alert. The plugin
source code is here, if you're auditing one host it really is no big
deal to have a look at what each plugin does and try to understand
why it would generate such an alert.

We recently downloaded dozens of (free|share|crap)ware FTP and HTTP
daemons, and our plugins found out many occurences of DoS,
exploitable overflows and remote files access against what are
extremely simple and outdated attacks (GET ../, USER + crap(4096),
etc...). Of course, we also found some false positives that we fixed,
as these servers tend to be extremely "laxist" (to say the least)
when it comes to implementing RFCs.

So my point here is that in my experience not enough users (and pen-
testers) really try to understand why some plugins are firing up -
they just tend to ignore the non-obvious stuff, and more often than
not what they really expect is a list of missing Microsoft patches
and that's it. If you look at some other scanners, that's exactly
what some do : have them scan your fully patched Windows box with
dozens of insecurely configured non-Microsoft services (Apache on
Win32, etc...) and you'll find yourself with an "everything is OK
since you're not missing any patch" kind of report. While this might
be acceptable (and even though, it's debatable) when you scan half a
million IPs, it's absolutely not when you're doing a pen-test against
one host. Also, as I said, most end-users do not want to find new
flaws - there are so many problems already that they don't want to
add anything to their list. I've received emails of users who
complain to me because Nessus crashed such or such service (this may
happen with any security scanner trying to do its job by the way -
some servers are coded so that they crash when they do not receive
the exact handshake they expected, so a simple port scan might kill
them), and having them contact their vendor is most of the time out
of the question (and then some vendors actually do contact me and ask
me to change Nessus to stop connecting to "their" port or to fix my
handshake with their server [true story!]).

That being said, I have other comments to make :

- If you want Nessus to avoid "false positives", make sure safe
checks are set and go to Prefs->Global Settings and set the "Report
Paranoia" to "Avoid false positives". This causes Nessus to disable
some checks which are known to generate FPs (ie: because there's no
way to remotely determine with certainty if service XXXX is patched
or not). At the opposite, if you want to torture a server, disable
safe checks, set the report paranoia to "Paranoid" (in Prefs), and
enable "Thorough Checks" (also in Prefs->Global Settings). Your scan
will run much slower (Thorough checks) and will generate a more
chatty report but you may find some surprising problems ;

- Update Nessus before doing your scan. We've done a huge "false
positive" hunt over the last months but we still receive report from
people using Nessus 2.0.12 and its default set of plugins, and
complain about some problem we fixed many months ago ;

- We're about to announce a public "False Positive Hunt" on in the next few days : help us find and fix five plugins
generating false positives and win a free Nessus direct feed (ie: get
the newest Nessus plugins for free with no delay). We've done our
best to fix a majority of false positives (including backported
patches from Red Hat, Debian and so on), but I'm sure we can help us
go further. If you are already sitting on a pile of false positives,
contact me already and I'll start your "FP counter" (there's no high
limit on the number of winners) ;

- Finally, please note that some vendors claim to have zero false
positive. The way they do that is by changing the definition of what
a false positive is[1]. While I'm the first to admit that Nessus can
generate false positives (especially if not configured to "Avoid
False Positives"), _every other scanner does_. The problem is that
there are so many services/devices out there who implement RFCs in
their own way that sometimes a scanner who attempts to do a full
audit will be fooled. I'm not just talking about web servers not
returning a 404 error code here, but bogus FTP servers, SSH daemons,
and so on. Oh, and don't get me started on IPSes which detect the
attack halfway thru and suddenly block the scanner for some time.

                                         -- Renaud

[1] Some people at nCircle (a competitor) also seems to be annoyed by

Renaud Deraison

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