Re: Sniffing Encrypted Traffic (w/ keys)

From: Brad DeShong (
Date: Thu Jun 23 2005 - 00:03:24 EDT

Times Enemy wrote:

>>During a recent assesment we compromised SSL keys for a webserver and
>>wanted to sniff the "encrypted" traffic. In theory this works, but
>>what tools exist to do this in practice? I've seen Covelight's
>>Clearwatch on a Windows system, but we're working with a Linux system on
>>the inside. Is a MITM necessary or can it be done by just looking at
>>the traffic after the fact (at least for the half of the connection we
>>have keys for?).
>>Brad DeShong
>>WestAnnex Security
Sure, I know I could do a MITM, but I want to decrypt all this traffic
after the fact from pcap data and the retrieved keys. Does ettercap
have this capability?

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