RE: Port 9090 WServer??

From: Nathan Einwechter (
Date: Tue May 17 2005 - 14:25:19 EDT

Looks to me as though they're using telnet to do client-server
communications/commands. This could definitely be a possible
vulnerability point.

If this is the case, I would suggest you can do one of a few things.

1) Do a little reverse engineering on the programs to find some
interesting strings that may be commands etc..
2) Place the software into a test environment and sniff the exchanges to
and from this port during normal operation.

These should give you a general idea of what the server expects and,
potentially, where you could cram it full of data to create a buffer
overflow, information leakage, etc.

-- Nathan

-----Original Message-----
From: xyberpix []
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 11:12 AM
Subject: Port 9090 WServer??

Hi All,

I am evaluating a bit of kit here, and it has 3 open ports on it, 22,
and 30000.
22 is obviously ssh, as I have an account on the device, and using ssh
gain access drops me into a restricted shell.I have tried a couple of
of breaking out of this, and none of them seem to work, so if anyone has
any sure fire ways to break out of a restricted shell, would they please
be kind enough to share them.
The next interesting point about the device is that if I telnet to port
9090, this is what I get:

xyberpix@su621unix1> telnet hmc 9090
Connected to sa44bshmc01.
Escape character is '^]'.

---> Now I hit Enter a couple of times and get this:

Language received from client:
Setlocale: C
Memory fault
Connection to sa44bshmc01 closed by foreign host.

Does anyone know of anyway that I could try and use this to my
as it looks hopefull, but I'm not too sure?



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