RE: Wireless cards

From: marko ruotsalainen (
Date: Mon May 16 2005 - 02:01:53 EDT


> NDISWrapper which strips the windows drivers into something linux card

Atleast my card (SMC2835W) can't go into monitor-mode with NDISWrapper, I
use the prism54g drivers when I need to use Kismet, for example. Just a
thought as the question was sent to pentest-list.

Finding a card that can actually go into monitor-mode in linux can be a
bit tricky now when 802.11g and a gets more common by time. I found mine
by luck by looking at a card for linux compability:

and then trying to verify at driver homepages if the card is really
supported or not, and going through "11. Capture Sources" to try to
identify if the specific card/driver would actually work under kismet:

As what comes with the luck, I've heard that there is many different
versions for SMC2835W existing, some work, some dont..



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