PullThePlug Wargames

From: announcements@pulltheplug.org
Date: Tue Apr 05 2005 - 18:49:05 EDT

PullThePlug.org is a community aimed at nurturing the growth and
development of the information security field through community-wide
research and development projects, lectures and wargame servers.

Rather than taking the usual approach of hands-off documentation,
PullThePlug emphasizes education and development as a community

Whats new at PullThePlug?

-- New domain and website
- http://www.pulltheplug.org/
* We have moved from pulltheplug.com to pulltheplug.org.
* New website that's much more informative.

-- Two new wargame servers in addition to http://www.pulltheplug.org/wargames/vortex/
- http://www.pulltheplug.org/wargames/catalyst/
* For people looking to learn or practice binary analysis skills, forensics.
* White Paper on binary protection schemes by andrewg [1].

- http://www.pulltheplug.org/wargames/semtex/
* For people looking to learn or practice network programming skills.

-- New learning resources
- http://www.pulltheplug.org/about/suntzu/
* An innovative approach to providing learning tutorials and lectures
   via the internet. While volunteer individuals lecture through a medium
   such as VoIP conferencing, SILC or IRC. Listeners connect to suntzu,
   to view demonstrations of what is being explained, real-time.

-- Development / Project Hosting
- http://www.pulltheplug.org/about/resources/rcs.html
* For projects looking for some Webspace and a SVN/CVS Server.

Thanks to the many people who continue to drive the community with their time and donations!

- people@pulltheplug.org

[1] http://www.codebreakers-journal.com/viewarticle.php?id=51&layout=abstract

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