Re: SNMP Testing

Date: Thu Mar 17 2005 - 03:27:08 EST

hi greg,

   -snmp v1/2c just use generic snmp tools (net-snmp, perl snmp) to play
    around with snmp pdu's/extensive mib walks etc.
   -use dictionery attacks (thc-hydra).
   -using vendor snmp related attacks (like hp-printers, cisco devices etc)
    (mostly founded in bugtraq,k-otik,securityfocus,packetstorm etc)

2) quite difficult, you need to identify your generic snmp queries in the
   network (usually noc/provisioning/performance mgmt etc related systems)
   and based on this snmp-network-map you can generate suspicious snmp
   related rules


> Hello all,
> I was wondering if anyone could point me to some good resources on pen
> testing SNMP. We have 2 main reasons for wanted these resources/tools:
> 1)identifying possible vulnerabilities exposed with various SNMP
> implemenations
> 2)Correlate actual malicious/suspicious SNMP traffic in our IDS to
> better identify false positives associated with various SNMP related
> signatures.
> I'd appreciate any help you can give.
> Thanks,
> --Greg

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