eBanking Security Testing (network and application) Methodology Released

From: peter@ebankingsecurity.com
Date: Wed Mar 02 2005 - 06:59:48 EST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Hello

A new ebanking security testing methodology has been released on
www.ebankingsecurity.com which covers both applications and generic networks.

This work focuses on practical security testing approaches, and is different from
other work in that it covers:

1. Basic Penetration Testing - the usual stuff here, pretty basic and entry level
2. Advanced Penetration Testing - this section goes into detail of advanced TCP/IP
protocol and application level attacks, as well as having a ICMP security attacks
3. Web Application Testing - some useful stuff here, pretty basic I would say for
most the list.

Above all the content is practical and relevant to todays ebanking and generic e-
transactions network.

There is an option on the site to download this as a PDF.

All comments and feedback are welcome.

Peter Robinson

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