FW: PENTEST MySQL on windows

From: Anthony Ruso (aruso@lgit.com)
Date: Fri Feb 25 2005 - 10:01:22 EST

Hi All,

     Since MySQL does not support xp_cmdshell (not that I know of) I've
been trying a method using a custom UDF library file uploaded to a
table that adds a new mysql functions capable of executing shell
commands on win32. I found some source for the UDF, but am having the
funest time compiling it. Once I've compiled it I can upload it and then
using some "select|outfile" type of query to write it to the hard disk
and call the function.
Please feel free to add to this.

Anthony Ruso CISSP, CISM

-----Original Message-----
From: Sels, Roger [mailto:roger.sels@gov-fbi.net]
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 3:37 AM
To: Anthony Ruso
Cc: pen-test@securityfocus.com
Subject: Re: PENTEST MySQL on windows

> Hi ALL,
> Doing a pentest on a site hosting a vulnerable verion of MySQL on a
> Windows box. I was able to get full access to the DB and export ALL
> the data. Anyone have any ideas on jumping to the Windows OS with full

> access to Just the DB.
> Thanks

Hi Anthony,

If the MySQL server is vulnerable, you could try using stored procedures
& extended stored procedures (XP) such as xp_cmdshell , which will allow
you to execute code.
XP's are written in high-languages like C and compiled into .DLL's. The
advantage is that the DLL just needs to be present on the machine to be
able to exploit it, much like the .dll's needed to exploit some ISAPI
IIS extensions ;)

e.g. SQL XP: exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dir' would obtain a directory
listing of the current working directory of the SQL Server process.

Check out the most excellent paper "Advanced SQL Injection techniques"
by Chris Anley.
(http://www.nextgenss.com/papers/advanced_sql_injection.pdf ) Viewable
as HTML if you use google, but I guess that's obvious ;)

Good luck!


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Under communism, it's just the opposite.

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