Wireless Pentest Question

From: Arvind Sood (asood74@gmail.com)
Date: Sat Feb 05 2005 - 10:12:47 EST


Based on recent mails regarding articles found here for wireless pen
testing. Using all the tools desribed here requires capturing
interesting packets (unique RC4 IV) in a packet capture.


 The problem relates to creating traffic on a wireless network in case
you dont find a lot of traffic for a good capture. Is there any way
you can create traffic on a WEP network without knowing
- the IP Address (address range) the Access Point and wireless clients
are using
- the WEP key being used (makes sense - that is why you are running a WEP crack)

The closest I see of this is the aireplay tool (this can be found on
the AUDITOR CD mentioned in teh article). This basically replays any
arp requests found in a capture. However I could not get aireplay to
run (gave me a Segmentation error).

of course WEP uses a session key - so session replay is not a
possibility. Does anyone know of any tool/ method to create wireless
traffic to assist in a good capture

Best regards

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