exploiting BID 529 revisited

From: m a (aznxy@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Dec 08 2004 - 17:01:39 EST

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...trying to get anything out of command /c or cmd /c has proven
I have tried echo bla>file, ping <SOURCEIP>, telnet <SOURCEIP> 80 (tcpdump
on my side) and all results in a big nothing.

Does this essentially mean that both executables have been moved/renamed?
Or could there be another reason I am missing?

1. confirmed RDS1.5 by the msadc/readme.txt.
2. I have managed to query the db using the
3. using msadc:
 msadc.pl -h <target> -N
-- RDS smack v2 - rain forest puppy / ADM / wiretrip --
Machine name: NINT2

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>From: m a <aznxy@yahoo.com>
>To: pen-test@securityfocus.com
>Subject: exploiting BID 529
>Running a pen test on some web servers.
>Some were verified to have RDS version is 1.5 thus:
>Here is the exploit:
>I have tried unicode directory traversal which doesn't work.
>Running msadc works
>$ ./msadc.pl -h -N
>-- RDS smack v2 - rain forest puppy / ADM / wiretrip --
>Machine name: NT2
>I am trying to execute some cmd /c commands, however just trying to echo >xxx a file to the default path of msadc and the wwwroot does not yield anything I can open. I am largely trying to verify that the commands work.
>Even if this does work (and the default paths are changed) I am nost sure what else I can do with it considering the
>firewall is filtering out everything apart from 80 and 443 (some host
>probably just one) inbound. I could potentially try killing the inet process and then implant nc.exe and have it take over on 80 or 443 but that would be to intrusive.
>Here's some more reading on this (this guy had the benefit of unicode):
>Any help much appreciated.

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