better late than never.... (was Re: Penetration testing scope/outline)

From: Pete Herzog (
Date: Mon Oct 11 2004 - 07:03:51 EDT

Anders and others,

I have asked repeatedly for this kind of criticism to improve the OSSTMM
documentation and this is exactly what I needed over a year ago (albeit
more detail would be better). So better late than never.

It is this kind of discussion that improves the document. Thanks for
your specific comments. It lets me know that I'm on the right track.
And yes, 3.0 does fix the problems you mention.

I am careful with the pen testing / ethical hacking definitions as in
the international business arena, those applied definitions change
greatly. However, I do assure their implementation in the manual.
OSSTMM 3.0 has evolved even more to be a methodology for thorough
security testing and metrics where I focus on factual security metrics
as a whole and allow for the manual to be taken in part for penetration
testing and ethical hacking. I do identify the requirements of such and
explain when a penetration test may be useful, even if I do find the
penetration test to be of business value only under very limited
circumstances. Note to flamers: I did say "business value" and will
clearly explain the reasons for this at the ISESTORM symposium next
Saturday (Oct. 18th) and post them on the ISECOM website upon my return.

I also try to completely withdraw the requirement of experience from
following the test methodology as I find it to be a danger in most
cases. It has been determined that a high level of experience is
necessary for analysis but not for testing because it leads to false
assumptions and unverified results. This has also led me to develop a
more useable methodology where it can even be adapted for non-technical
people requiring access to factual security metrics (already integrated
in that format for the SecurityNOW! tool and I have seen it has been
integrated into the UnicornScan results (
This is not to say the methodology is not as technical as always.
Actually, it has followed technology quite well. However it just is
more useable since it can be adapted into less technical formats.


Pete Herzog - Managing Director -
ISECOM - Institute for Security and Open Methodologies - -
ISECOM is the OSSTMM Professional Security Tester (OPST),
OSSTMM Professional Security Analyst (OPSA), and Hacker Highschool
Teacher certification authority.
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