Re: Test scripts for NIDS

From: Jose Maria Lopez (
Date: Tue Aug 31 2004 - 16:23:33 EDT

El lun, 30 de 08 de 2004 a las 20:59, John Madden escribió:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for tools that can test the effectiveness
> of an NIDS like:
> - How much load can it take before dropping packets ?
> - What attacks can it detect or not detect
> etc...
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks

It all depends of what NIDS you are talking about. For snort
I use a combination of Nessus checks, the Metasploit project,
a set of exploits I've been taking from the web and my own
fabricated attacks with hping2, nmap or whatever I think could
be useful.

I know there are commercial applications that can do this job,
but I can't afford them and the combination I have cited works
quite well.

To see how much packets it can eat at a time I watch the snort
logs but until now I have not made really serious work in that
aspect so I can't give you advise.

Jose Maria Lopez Hernandez
Director Tecnico de bgSEC
bgSEC Seguridad y Consultoria de Sistemas Informaticos
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