RE: Raptor firewall 6.1 port 80

From: Jerry Shenk (
Date: Sun Jul 04 2004 - 21:01:41 EDT

One feature with a Raptor firewall is that they seems to respond
affirmatively to tons of stuff. For example, a portscan on pen-tests
that I've done have shown lots of ports being open that really weren't.
I haven't seen specifically what you're talking about with an admin
login 'cuz I haven't gotten a login on any of them but I get ports
showing up as open that I have verified are not actually open.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin S []
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 12:04 PM
Subject: Raptor firewall 6.1 port 80

I am testing a couple of Raptor firewalls (6.1 apparently). And I ran
Brutus on port 80 just to see what's going to happen using Forms
authentication. It does pick up 2 successful authentications using
and backup as logins). However, this cannot be right as first of all it
picks up different passwords (like aaa or academia on different runs)
secondly a web browser session on port 80 comes back with:
Service Unavailable
The proxy is currently unable to handle the request due to a (possibly)
temporary error. Extended error information is:

If this situation persists, please contact your firewall administrator.

Any ideas?

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