Re: Nmap results in spreadsheet format

From: Vladimir Parkhaev (
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 08:40:22 EDT

Quoting Jonathan Pokrzyk (
> I tried biting my tongue but I can't take it anymore. I'm not trying to
> start trouble but wouldn't you think that this person already tried
> using google or at least made a conscious decision not to.

Me too, but for the opposit reason.
Well, obviously the OP did not try google. Using google does produce the answer
to his question: nmap-audit. (
> This also goes for anyone else that posts google as a possible solution.
> If people are asking questions to this list I bet that they already know
> that there are search engines out there.

All signs point to that you will loose the bet (see above link)...
I personaly beleive that

1. This list is not a HelpDesk.
2. If one cannot use google he should not be subscribed to this list.
3. If one cannot find a way to redirect results of nmap into a spreadsheet,
   he should not be doing pen tests.

But, hey, that is just me....

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