Re: Cisco Catalyst 4006 CatOS Password Hash

From: Anders Thulin (
Date: Fri Dec 12 2003 - 02:30:07 EST

Paul Bakker wrote:

> The issue is: I need to determine if it is a raesonable password without them giving me the password...
> How can I determine this if I cannot throw a password cracking tool against it?

   Brute force login attempts come to mind.

   Even with a password cracker, you can't say for sure: $2$ is used to
indicate blowfish on some platforms. But unless you know this particular
platform follows that convention, you won't be able to interpret a failure
to crack the password.

   Some preliminary tests to verify the Blowfish hypothesis seem called for.

Anders Thulin   040-661 50 63	
Ki Consulting AB, Box 85, SE-201 20 Malmö, Sweden

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