Heavyweight Network Mapping Tools

From: Andy Cuff [Talisker] (lists@securitywizardry.com)
Date: Thu Nov 27 2003 - 16:21:13 EST

Being someone who hates to identify a problem without a solution I'm looking
for a premier network mapping tool for a customer that will actively scan up
to a class A for hosts, identifying the hosts in up to 3 stages:

Hosts alive through ICMP
Hosts OS through active OS fingerprinting
Patch Compliance without host residing agents

Results must be displayable in 3D and be drilled down to individual hosts
using filters. (look pretty for budget enhancement whilst being useable)

Must have continual use and not a snapshot based managed service

I'm also looking to schedule and throttle the output without having to use a
packet shaper. (don't want to consume too much bandwidth)

 Does anyone have any further recommendations regarding cool or useful
features in such a product and better still products that meet or come close
to the above.

I have collected details on light and medium weight enumerators at
http://www.securitywizardry.com/enum.htm but need more oomph!

cheers in advance

Talisker Security Tools Directory


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