Re: anonymous Zonetransfer (AXFR) exploatation

Date: Thu Mar 20 2008 - 14:05:38 EST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Just to address this one aspect of the thread, there was a recent case in North Dakota, US which was presumed to have determined that a DNS zone transfer constituted hacking [1]. This wasn't the whole complaint or reason for the ruling, but that is the part that media and places like Slashdot picked up and highlighted. I know precedence is important in US law, but I'm not sure this would stand up upon further scrutiny.

Nonetheless, the real point is to limit zone transfers.


<- snip ->
I never heard of laws that forbids you to get DNS content from a server. Maybe I am late with the news, but
as long as it is only an information disclosure it shouldnt be less legal than a port scan.

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