Port Scanner Challenge Revisited: Nmap, Unicornscan, Portbunny

From: Robert E. Lee (robert@outpost24.com)
Date: Thu Jan 31 2008 - 12:01:50 EST


Earlier this month, Tyler Reguly released some comparison test findings
for Nmap, Unicornscan, and Portbunny
(http://www.computerdefense.org/?p=443). Unfortunately, these tests
weren't entirely accurate or indicative of what a security tester would
see in the field.

I have spent some evening hours conducting my own tests and have
completed three rounds of testing.


To summarize tests so far:
Round 1 - Scanner on same switch as target, no filters - nmap winner
(close finish)

Round 2 - Scanner on same switch as target, iptables filter - portbunny
winner (close finish)

Round 3 - Scanner on different network, multiple targets, multiple
platforms, no filters - unicornscan clear winner.


I plan on completing at least 1 or 2 more rounds over the next few

For graphics and other interesting stats from the tests, check out:


Robert E. Lee
Chief Security Officer
Outpost24 - One Step Ahead
SE Phone: +46 455-61-2320
US Phone: +1 801-924-5902
email: robert@outpost24.com
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