radware linkproof

From: Martin Mačok (martin.macok@underground.cz)
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 09:47:03 EDT

while doing external pen-test/host discovery I've found 2 Radware
linkproof routers each connected to different ISP and both connected
to each other. I know the topology and I have identified their 8 resp.
3 interfaces (hping2/IPid rulez). There is an open port 22 on some of
them with "SSH-2.0-1.0 Radware SSH" banner. Other ports are

I've read product info from www.radware.com and some other basic
things about it (google) so I know basic info about it (NAT, load
balancing, ...).

Are you aware of any vulnerabilities? Is it *BSD based or something
completely different? Do you know if "Radware SSH" is based on ssh.com
or openssh or something else? How to test IGP/RIP issues? Any factory
defaults other than Radware:Radware or radware:radware? Any way to
crash it?

Thank you

         Martin Mačok                 http://underground.cz/
   martin.macok@underground.cz        http://Xtrmntr.org/ORBman/

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