Re: Can we say Back|Track best CD for a Penetration Test

Date: Fri Apr 13 2007 - 09:28:47 EDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) First, I think everyone will end up finding certain distros more to their liking. Try them out, stick with one that works for you. And yes, sometimes they do have different tools.

Second, I really think a majority of people will benefit the most from and recommend BackTrack as a preferred security-based livecd. It has been around a while, is highly supported and developed, and plenty of people not only use it, but give details on uses for it on the web.

Others may have an opinion on better distros for forensics, as those tools do differ.

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I have read many and seen many articles about Linux Live CDs for
Penetration Test

But I could not figure out which is the best CD ? Does each flavor
(Live CD) get tools and utilities that are not available with other ?

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