Re: Blind SQL Injection Techniques

From: Paulo Ribeiro (
Date: Wed Dec 13 2006 - 18:02:51 EST

Usually, when it's a blind SQL injection, as described, no information can easily be retrieved, if at all.
A few days ago, I had the same problem, so I used the sp_rename stored procedure to rename random table names (dictionnary names like user, content, produt, etc...) ... and it worked for a few...
When it worked, the website generated a lot of errors since part of the content was broken.
By using the same sp, I could rename the table back to its original name.
What I got from it where a few table names, some FS paths...

----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:41:30 AM
Subject: Blind SQL Injection Techniques

Hi All,

I am testing a client at the moment who has a Blind SQL Injection vulnerability and am running out of techniques, so need some tips.

I injected the following string to validate that the system has an MSSQL server at the back-end.

or 1=1;select * from sysobjects;--

This returned a valid page.

Also injected the following and got a valid page, but again no data since it is completely blind.

or 1=1;select @@version;--

Replacing sysobjects, in the first example, with an invalid table returns a custom error page that doesn't disclose anything.

It seems that when injecting any invalid sql statement I get the same custom error page coming back that doesn't reveal any information.

My next step was to determine whether the DB was running as system. I tried using the following command;

or 1=1;if (select user) = 'sa' waitfor delay '0:0:5';--

... but got the error page, indicating that it didn't work - especially since it didn't take 5 seconds. I then tried simplifying it to just;

waitfor delay '0:0:5';--

... but again, the error page, indicating this command was not working. I thought it was the quotes but the following were successful;

or 1=1;select * from 'sysobjects';--
or 1=1;select * from "sysobjects";--

I then tried the following to see if I could actually run system commands;

or 1=1;exec master..xp_cmdshell dir;--

... but this got the error page again indicating unsuccessful.

Any suggestions on gaining further information or access on this system would be appreciated.


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