Date: Mon Dec 04 2006 - 11:35:54 EST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Sorry for two replies but I can't help myself, it's Monday and the triple espresso just kicked in.

As a degree holder and board member of a local chapter working with a local university to provide them with guidance towards a BS degree concentration towards a CISSP I sort of feel your pain.

In my youth I worked with a Vetranairan for two years in the surgery room doing your basic spay and nudder. I assisted with hundreds. But I could never perform one myself because I didn't have the education.

Without education you pretty much have no basis to start, everything becomes grey. You then have people who want to become certified because they've watched all the episodes of CSI so now they want to become certified forensic experts.

Where do you draw the line. Education draws a very clear line. It's not to say that everyone who has a BS is educated or intelligent. Look at our President.

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