Re: Re: N-Stalker or Acunetix

Date: Thu Nov 16 2006 - 14:49:12 EST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Hi Julien / Folks,

N-Stalker has released a new Edition and there a couple of differences between previously known N-Stealth tool and current available N-Stalker.

Concerning your point about Acunetix, here are N-Stalker's equivalent:

- the "acunetix vulnerability editor":

N-Stalker has a signature editor that allows for custom signature creation. You may even create your own scripts using a PHP-like script language added to our tool (Acunetix does not have script engines).

- the update system

N-Stalker has an automatic update system. Does not rely on Google hacking database. Even those signatures that are not able to be replicate through Google Hacking (search techniques) are included in our tool.

- easy to use (user friendly GUI)
- good reporting system

Please, download our free edition :) Both conditions are present in our latest edition.

There are lot of unique features in our tool. Fingerprinting techniques, False Positive Prevention, Script Tool, etc. E-mail me privately if you want to know or evaluate it.

Don't want really to sound very commercial, however, I feel I should have the same right to explain our features as well :)

Kindest Regards,
Thiago Zaninotti
CTO - N-Stalker

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