connect-back win32 shellcode

From: wirepair (
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 13:10:56 EDT

lo all,
So I've decided to take the dive into writing windows
based (memory) exploits *shudders*, I'm having some
serious complications regarding shellcode and well, how to
go about writing it. Is there some solid documentation on
the function of LoadLibraryA/GetProcAddress
handlers/functions? Also if anyone has a good disassembly
of any of the connected back shellcodes (Dark
Spyrit:null.printer/David Litchfield's:sql hello) I would
appreciate getting my hands on them. Most of the NT
Overflow papers I see are based on old versions of windows
(nt4) or the examples are completely outdated. It seems
that most of these papers do not give a good explanation
of the importance of the LoadLibraryA/GetProcAddress
calls. Maybe I am missing something, probably am... This
is not as easy as unix land and for someone who codes only
in *nix environments, I'm finding Windows API's well,
  Thanks for any information,
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