Re: Advances In Windows Shellcode

From: sk (
Date: Wed Jan 15 2003 - 02:17:08 EST

The 91++ bytes shellcode not only uses hard code addresses, it also using
hard coded socket descriptor of 0x11, which should _not_ work. (Anyone get
it working?)

Perhaps what is missing is a routine to find socket descriptor of the
current connection?


>From: Ing. Bernardo Lopez (
>Date: Wed Jan 01 2003 - 18:32:20 CST
>I know this is not the faster way but...
>Could be more easy to get the shellcode if you put in your program and
>rebuild it (whitin a debugger, like softice)then you dump that modified

>Whit this you can split the includes and other extra stuff, just getting
>the minimal shellcode nesesary...

>Have a nice day

>PS:Well then , my hipotetical method or by doing a C prog whit includes
>and all?

>El mar, 31-12-2002 a las 23:02, Brett Moore escribió:
> Advances in windows shellcode are few and far between. Papers exist
> detailing the process using anonymous pipes and examples exist showing how
> to use a socket directly as the handle for stdin, stdout and stderr.
> RVA techniques can be used to write code that will run regardless of
> pack, and there is not often times when shellcode space is extremely
> so we should be happy with universal remote callback shellcode of ~300
> bytes.
> David Litchfield's post regarding using a socket as a handle included a
> statement:
> "If you hard code addresses ..... you can get the exploit code down to 160
> bytes"
> Which got me to thinking of how to write smaller remote callback
> What evolved was an idea, and then shellcode which sends a remote shell
> back, uses only 2 api calls, and is only 91 bytes in size.
> It does have limited uses, has hardcoded address for SP3, messy, could be
> refined but should provoke some interesting thought tangents.
> The code is not commented, is not at all user friendly, and to cut the
> of the post is ill formated, but those who seek the answer should be able
> get it work.
> And now I go on holiday, my byte sequence patent should be ready for
> by the time I get back ;)

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