From: Loki (
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 12:41:12 EST

Recently having done this for my employer, what I did was
combed Bugtraq archives for keyword searches on xss or
cross-site vulnerabilities. After doing so you can
identify software packages (postnuke, apalachian web site,
et. al) and the version #s of affected releases.

After doing so, I setup a linux box, mysql, and the
different vulnerable software packages that were
identified and began to xss away.

Food for thought.


On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 10:00:48 -0700
  "Jeremy Junginger" <> wrote:
>After reading the papers by iDefense and the paper at
> , I would
>like to put a
>working example together to familiarize our web
>developers with XSS
>vulnerabilities and their impact on the web site (and
>business). I
>would like to poll the group for interesting ways to
>demonstrate these
>vulnerabilities in a lab environment. Thanks for taking
>the time to
>give your input.
>This list is provided by the SecurityFocus Security
>Intelligence Alert (SIA)
>Service. For more information on SecurityFocus' SIA
>service which
>automatically alerts you to the latest security
>vulnerabilities please see:

This list is provided by the SecurityFocus Security Intelligence Alert (SIA)
Service. For more information on SecurityFocus' SIA service which
automatically alerts you to the latest security vulnerabilities please see:

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