Re-opening an old thread: NetWare-Enterprise-Web-Server/5.1 --As sistence requested.

From: Ralph Los (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 15:28:34 EST

Hey - let me re-open a thread again, if you folks don't mind. I've found a
server at one of our pen-test clients with this NetWare HTTP/HTTPS server.
I've been trying to figure out a way to make it tango, but have been having
some problems. Here's what I've tried and where I left off, maybe someone
can toss some suggestions out.

Attempt: http://address/perl/-v
Result: NetWare port Copyright 1998 Novell Corporation.
                All rights reserved.

Attempt: http://address/perl/-h
Result: Page not found

Attempt: http://address/perl/-e%20print%20%22hello%20world%22;
Result: IE just hangs there "DONE"

Attempt: http://address/perl/-e%20print%201;
Result: IE just hangs there "DONE"

So what's up? Is this box "patched" against this form of attack somehow?
Could someone throw me another idea maybe?

Thanks a bunch.

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