XSS vulnerability on Apache Tomcat server

From: Erwin van der Zwan (erwin.zwan-van-der@siemens.nl)
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 02:59:40 EDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) I am currently pen-testing an Apache Tomcat v4.0.3 web server running on a
Windows 2000 box. The server just provides access to an LDAP database
through a search query. The box is connected directly to the Internet and
seems to be protected by McAfee/PGP personal firewall/IDS which blocks the
IP address for 30 minutes or so. TCP ports 21, 80, 389, 1002 and 1720
seems to be open, the rest is filtered/blocked. The server is running
tomcat_server/servlet/JNDISearch Java LDAP search code.

It seems to be vulnerable for XSS and path disclosure vulnerabilities. I
got the path (D:\Tomcat\webapps) but any ideas on how to exploit the XSS
vulnerability or advance with the test?



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