RE: Training Lab Question

From: Coral J. Cook (
Date: Mon Jun 03 2002 - 10:19:06 EDT

Much Thanks to all who have replied, both on & off list. Giving the students
root access & imaging their workstation drives is by far the most popular
answer, and is the way we will proceed. Now for one more question, any
suggestions for a good open source disk imaging package? I've identified
several possible choices, but have not had time to evaluate them yet:

CloneIt -

G4U -

Partition Image -

WebClone -

Again, any comments/recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Please
answer off list, unless others express interest in this matter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Coral J. Cook []
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 1:16 PM
Subject: Training Lab Question

This may be a bit off-topic, but I'd like some feedback on the following

I'm in the process of setting up a Pen Testing training lab. The lab
consists of a network of target hosts and a network of attack hosts (student
workstations). The student workstations running Slackware 8.x (current).

Here's my question? What is the best/safest way to allow the students to run
the tools (mostly nmap and various sniffers) that need root privileges for
full functionality? Should I just make those tools suid root or should I use
sudo? Are there any other alternatives? Thanks in advance.


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