RE: PEN Testing a everchanging realm in apache

Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 04:53:00 EDT


Thanks for that but the ever changing realm is as follows.....

When a connection is established to the server and you are presented with a
login prompt the realm is different everytime. Its almost like the server
has / is using /dev/random to assign the realm so its never the same.

                -----Original Message-----
                From: Vladimir Parkhaev []
                Sent: 29 May 2002 23:11
                Subject: Re: PEN Testing a everchanging realm in

                Quoting (
> Using the latest apache / ssl.
> I need to find a way of brute forcing the auth but........
the web server
> has an ever changing realm.
> Is this possible or shall I look elsewhere ?
> Regards

                I am not sure what do you mean by "ever changing realm", but
you can adapt the following
                perl code to brute force your way in. You need to install
Crypt::SSLeay module,
                dictionary, a loop and ... pretty much it...

                #!/usr/bin/perl -w
                use LWP::UserAgent;

                my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
                my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST =>
                $req->authorization_basic('foo', 'bar');
                $res = $ua->request($req);
                ($res->is_success)? print $res->content, "\n" : print
$res->status_line, "\n";

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