Re: Scanners and unpublished vulnerabilities - Full Disclosure

From: Brad Mills (
Date: Wed May 29 2002 - 12:33:02 EDT

> It won't make any difference whatsoever. It's time to realize that 'we'
> don't make any difference.
> Vendors still don't react to problems, silly bugs are still present in
> software, admins still don't patch/upgrade, users still click on
> attachments and download screen savers.

 Hmmm, unless I missed something, it was lists like this that generated
the recent Best-Buy wireless energy, which resulted in sub-actions,
eventually causing the company to stop and re-evaluate things.
 As for sh*t software, vendors, typical end-users, etc., it will take
time, but if the catalyst weakens now, energy expended is lost. I say
continue the march.
 just my .02,

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