S-box Experiences

From: Kevin Dwyer (kevin@pheared.net)
Date: Fri May 24 2002 - 10:07:19 EDT

Hello pen-test,

        I'm currently completing an evaluation of SofaWare's S-box
firewall. It is a small embedded device that runs Linux and Checkpoint.
Naturally, this is for lower end customers who don't need ultra-flexible
rulesets and such. That said, I'm interested in hearing if anyone in the
community has come across one of these devices and what their experiences
were like. Have you found any gaping security issues? Any showstoppers?


-[ kevin@pheared.net devel.pheared.net ]-
-[ Rather be forgotten, than remembered for giving in. ]-
-[ ZZ = g ^ (xb * xa) mod p g = h^{(p-1)/q} mod p ]-

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