Re: Using IPaqs or other handhelds as penetration devices

From: John Lines (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 06:00:56 EDT

> I was wondering whether any exploits or penetration tools exist that run on
> Compaq IPaq PDAs (running Windows CE or whatever they call it now), or any
> other handheld devices, for that matter. This is part risk analysis
> regarding the use of such devices, and part looking at using such a device
> for lightweight ad-hoc penetration or vulnerability testing.

The new Sharp Zaurus runs Linux, including all the tools like tcpdump.
It supports wireless and wired CF ethernet cards. People have been running
airsnort on the Zaurus to look at wireless networks. It has quite a lot of
potential for network engineers as a very portable monitoring and testing tool.


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