Re: Arp spoofing & dsniff, redhat 7.2 configuration

From: Vs Metal (
Date: Wed May 15 2002 - 07:45:41 EDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) In-Reply-To: <007401c1f829$6f3e3560$6601a8c0@vrindavan>

Okay, thanks for all of you. All your different ideas
helped me a lot to do my study.
My network pen test is now working perfectly. For those who
have problems making it work, i'll just make a short
summary of the linux conf :
1. Disable firewall rules !!! coz if not, your computer
will not forward everything
2. Use "fragrouter -B1" instead of ip_forward in
sysctl.conf, it works a lot better and it is easy to
3. The openssl rpm provided in redhat 7.2 is not working
with dsniff rpm. The solution to make it work is to use
openssl95a, and install it over the provided openssl rpm :
"rpm -ivh openssl95a" ...
4. use "dsniff -c" option

  If you want more info, i'll be happy to answer you as
fast as possible.
  Now i'm working on howto disble these attacks by
configuring properly the switch. I've found almost
everything except one : arpspoof ? I know that private
vlans does provide a solution to arpspoof, but it makes
people not able to communicate among themselves, so
customer, i guess, won't accept that !!!
  Any other ideas ???

                  THX again

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