#!/usr/bin/ksh # ---------------------- Control Block ------------------------------ # # Program Name : index_rebuild 2.1 # Description : Rebuilds indexes in situ # Author : Chris Gould # Date Written : 99/02/27 23:16:23 # Version : @(#)shl gen index_rebuild 2.1@(#) # # Amendment History # Ref Version Date Author Description # 1.1 29/01/99 CMG Created # 1.2 02/02/99 CMG Tarting up # 1.3 03/02/99 CMG Handle unique constraints # 1.4 04/02/99 CMG Addn settings on index build # 1.5 23/02/99 CMG Include "getopts" processing # 1.6 27/02/99 CMG Add exit to end of script # 1.7 23/06/99 CMG Cater for bitmap indexes # 2.0 07/07/99 CMG additional options included # 2.1 08/07/99 CMG Now allows single index selection # (if constraint exists on this, disables it # but still disables all FK constraints) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Creates script to rebuild indexes on a table ## (using current settings) ## Also handles any primary and foreign key constraints ## by disabling and then re-enabling any that are initially enabled function Usage { echo "\n$THIS_FILE\n usage :" echo " $THIS_FILE -t TABLE_NAME -f OUTPUT_FILE [-A] [-u DB_CONNECT_STRING]" echo " [-N] [-i INDEX_NAME] [-p DDICT_TABLE_PREFIX] -D" echo "\n -A : append to output file" echo " -N : non-unique indexes only" echo " -D : debug (keep temp files)" echo "" } THIS_FILE=$(basename $0) P_DB_STR=/ ## default APPEND_TO_SCRIPT=N BUILD_TYPE="all" ## getopts processing while getopts "ADf:i:p:t:Nu:" opt do case $opt in A ) APPEND_TO_SCRIPT=Y;; D ) DEBUG=Y;; N ) UNIQUE_INDEXES=N;BUILD_TYPE="Non-unique";; f ) REBUILD_SCRIPT=$OPTARG;; i ) typeset -u INDEXNAME=$OPTARG;; p ) TB_PFX=$OPTARG;; t ) typeset -u TABLENAME=$OPTARG;; u ) P_DB_STR=${OPTARG:-/};; * ) Usage;exit 10;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND -1)) ## Check parameters if [[ -n $REBUILD_SCRIPT && -n $TABLENAME ]]; then echo "Parameters OK ..." echo "Building index script for $TABLENAME \c" if [[ -n $INDEXNAME ]]; then BUILD_TYPE="single" echo "index $INDEXNAME \c" fi echo "..." else Usage exit 10 fi WORK_DIR=/tmp/${THIS_FILE}_$$ mkdir $WORK_DIR if (( $? > 0 )); then echo "+++Error: cannot create work directory $WORK_DIR" exit 10 fi TMP1_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/tmp1.sql GEN_ENABLE_FK_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/gen_enable_fk.sql GEN_DISABLE_FK_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/gen_disable_fk.sql GEN_ENABLE_PK_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/gen_enable_pk.sql GEN_DISABLE_PK_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/gen_disable_pk.sql GEN_DROP_IDX_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/gen_drop_idx.sql GEN_BLD_IDX_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/gen_bld_idx.sql ENABLE_FK_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/enable_fk.sql DISABLE_FK_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/disable_fk.sql ENABLE_PK_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/enable_pk.sql DISABLE_PK_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/disable_pk.sql DROP_IDX_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/drop_idx.sql BLD_IDX_SQL=${WORK_DIR}/bld_idx.sql ### if just dealing with non-unique indexes there won't ### be any constraints using them, so don't need these if [[ $UNIQUE_INDEXES != N ]]; then ### ### Create SQL to disable/enable foreign-key constraints ### referencing this table { echo "set head off" echo "set feedback off" echo "set linesize 132" echo "set pagesize 0 " echo "select 'alter table '||uc1.owner||'.'||uc1.table_name||" echo " ' disable constraint '||uc1.constraint_name||';'" echo "from ${TB_PFX}user_constraints uc1" echo " ,${TB_PFX}user_constraints uc2" echo "where uc2.table_name = '$TABLENAME'" echo " and uc2.constraint_name = uc1.r_constraint_name" echo " and uc2.owner = uc1.r_owner" echo "/" } >$GEN_DISABLE_FK_SQL echo "Creating FK disable stmts ..." cat $GEN_DISABLE_FK_SQL | sqlplus -S $P_DB_STR >$DISABLE_FK_SQL { echo "set head off" echo "set feedback off" echo "set linesize 132" echo "set pagesize 0 " echo "select decode(uc1.status,'DISABLED','REM ',NULL)||" echo " 'alter table '||uc1.owner||'.'||uc1.table_name||" echo " ' enable constraint '||uc1.constraint_name||';'" echo "from ${TB_PFX}user_constraints uc1" echo " ,${TB_PFX}user_constraints uc2" echo "where uc2.table_name = '$TABLENAME'" echo " and uc2.constraint_name = uc1.r_constraint_name" echo " and uc2.owner = uc1.r_owner" echo "/" } >$GEN_ENABLE_FK_SQL echo "Creating FK enable stmts ..." cat $GEN_ENABLE_FK_SQL | sqlplus -S $P_DB_STR >$ENABLE_FK_SQL ### ### Create SQL to disable/enable primary-key and unique constraints ### on this table { echo "set head off" echo "set feedback off" echo "set linesize 132" echo "set pagesize 0 " echo "select 'alter table '||uc1.owner||'.'||uc1.table_name||" echo " ' disable constraint '||uc1.constraint_name||';'" echo "from user_constraints uc1" echo "where uc1.table_name = '$TABLENAME'" echo " and uc1.constraint_type in ('U','P')" echo " and uc1.status = 'ENABLED'" if [[ -n $INDEXNAME ]]; then ## all this just to get the constraint_name (if any) that uses this index echo "and uc1.constraint_name = (" echo " select constraint_name" echo " from ${TB_PFX}user_cons_columns ucc" echo " ,${TB_PFX}user_ind_columns uic" echo " where uic.index_name = '$INDEXNAME'" echo " and uic.table_name = ucc.table_name" echo " and uic.column_name = ucc.column_name" echo " and ucc.position = uic.column_position" echo " and ucc.position = (select max(uic2.column_position)" echo " from ${TB_PFX}user_ind_columns uic2" echo " where uic2.table_name = uic.table_name" echo " and uic2.index_name = uic.index_name)" echo " and ucc.position = (select max(ucc2.position)" echo " from ${TB_PFX}user_cons_columns ucc2" echo " where ucc2.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name)" echo " and ucc.position = (select count(*) " echo " from ${TB_PFX}user_cons_columns ucc3" echo " ,${TB_PFX}user_ind_columns uic3" echo " where ucc3.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name" echo " and uic3.index_name = uic.index_name" echo " and uic3.table_name = ucc3.table_name" echo " and uic3.column_name = ucc3.column_name" echo " and uic3.column_position = ucc3.position)" echo ")" fi echo "/" } >$GEN_DISABLE_PK_SQL echo "Creating PK disable stmts ..." cat $GEN_DISABLE_PK_SQL | sqlplus -S $P_DB_STR >$DISABLE_PK_SQL { echo "set head off" echo "set feedback off" echo "set linesize 132" echo "set pagesize 0 " echo "select 'alter table '||uc1.owner||'.'||uc1.table_name||" echo " ' enable constraint '||uc1.constraint_name||';'" echo "from ${TB_PFX}user_constraints uc1" echo "where uc1.table_name = '$TABLENAME'" echo " and uc1.constraint_type in ('U','P')" echo " and uc1.status = 'ENABLED'" if [[ -n $INDEXNAME ]]; then ## all this just to get the constraint_name (if any) that uses this index echo "and uc1.constraint_name = (" echo " select constraint_name" echo " from ${TB_PFX}user_cons_columns ucc" echo " ,${TB_PFX}user_ind_columns uic" echo " where uic.index_name = '$INDEXNAME'" echo " and uic.table_name = ucc.table_name" echo " and uic.column_name = ucc.column_name" echo " and ucc.position = uic.column_position" echo " and ucc.position = (select max(uic2.column_position)" echo " from ${TB_PFX}user_ind_columns uic2" echo " where uic2.table_name = uic.table_name" echo " and uic2.index_name = uic.index_name)" echo " and ucc.position = (select max(ucc2.position)" echo " from ${TB_PFX}user_cons_columns ucc2" echo " where ucc2.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name)" echo " and ucc.position = (select count(*) " echo " from ${TB_PFX}user_cons_columns ucc3" echo " ,${TB_PFX}user_ind_columns uic3" echo " where ucc3.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name" echo " and uic3.index_name = uic.index_name" echo " and uic3.table_name = ucc3.table_name" echo " and uic3.column_name = ucc3.column_name" echo " and uic3.column_position = ucc3.position)" echo ")" fi echo "/" } >$GEN_ENABLE_PK_SQL echo "Creating PK enable stmts ..." cat $GEN_ENABLE_PK_SQL | sqlplus -S $P_DB_STR >$ENABLE_PK_SQL fi ### ### Create SQL to drop indexes { echo "set head off" echo "set feedback off" echo "set linesize 132" echo "set pagesize 0 " echo "select 'drop index '||ui.index_name||';'" echo "from user_indexes ui" echo "where ui.table_name = '$TABLENAME'" if [[ $UNIQUE_INDEXES = N ]]; then echo "and ui.uniqueness = 'NONUNIQUE'" fi if [[ -n $INDEXNAME ]]; then echo "and ui.index_name = '$INDEXNAME'" fi echo "/" } >$GEN_DROP_IDX_SQL echo "Creating index drop stmts ..." cat $GEN_DROP_IDX_SQL | sqlplus -S $P_DB_STR >$DROP_IDX_SQL ### ### Create SQL to re-create indexes { echo "clear breaks" echo "clear columns" echo "break on idxnm on tblnm on tblsp skip page" echo "set head off" echo "set feedback off" echo "set linesize 132" echo "set pagesize 30 " echo "set maxd 60000" echo "set arraysize 10" echo "-- pagesize needs to be large to get all cols on a page (max 16)" echo "col uniq new_value v_uniq noprint" echo "col bitm new_value v_bitm noprint" echo "col idxnm new_value v_idxnm noprint" echo "col tblnm new_value v_tblnm noprint" echo "col tblown new_value v_tblown noprint" echo "col colseq noprint" echo "col tblsp old_value v_tblsp noprint" echo "col init old_value v_init noprint" echo "col next old_value v_next noprint" echo "col pci old_value v_pci noprint" echo "col pcf old_value v_pcf noprint" echo "TTITLE LEFT 'prompt table:' v_tblnm ' index:' v_idxnm SKIP -" echo "'create ' v_uniq ' ' v_bitm ' index ' v_idxnm SKIP ' on ' v_tblown '.' v_tblnm SKIP ' ('" echo "BTITLE LEFT ' ) ' SKIP ' tablespace ' v_tblsp SKIP -" echo "' pctfree ' v_pcf SKIP -" echo "' storage (initial ' v_init ' next ' v_next ' pctincrease ' v_pci ') unrecoverable noparallel' SKIP '/'" echo "select ui.index_name idxnm," echo " ui.table_name tblnm," echo " ui.table_owner tblown," echo " uic.column_position colseq," echo " ui.tablespace_name tblsp," echo " decode(ui.uniqueness,'UNIQUE','UNIQUE',NULL) uniq," echo " decode(ui.index_type,'BITMAP','BITMAP',NULL) bitm," echo " LTRIM(ui.initial_extent) init," echo " LTRIM(ui.next_extent) next," echo " LTRIM(ui.pct_increase) pci," echo " LTRIM(ui.pct_free) pcf," echo " decode(uic.column_position,1,NULL,',') leading_comma," echo " uic.column_name colnm" echo "from ${TB_PFX}user_indexes ui" echo " ,${TB_PFX}user_segments us" echo " ,${TB_PFX}user_ind_columns uic" echo "where uic.table_name = ui.table_name" echo "and uic.index_name = ui.index_name" echo "and us.segment_name = ui.index_name" echo "and us.tablespace_name = ui.tablespace_name" echo "and ui.table_name = '$TABLENAME'" if [[ $UNIQUE_INDEXES = N ]]; then echo "and ui.uniqueness = 'NONUNIQUE'" fi if [[ -n $INDEXNAME ]]; then echo "and ui.index_name = '$INDEXNAME'" fi echo "order by tblsp,tblnm,idxnm,colseq" echo "/" echo "ttitle off" echo "btitle off" } >$GEN_BLD_IDX_SQL echo "Creating index create stmts ..." cat $GEN_BLD_IDX_SQL | sqlplus -S $P_DB_STR >$TMP1_SQL ## Now get rid of blank lines from constructed SQL sed /^$/d <$TMP1_SQL >$BLD_IDX_SQL ### ### Now put all the generated scripts together ### to produce the index rebuild script if [[ $APPEND_TO_SCRIPT = N ]]; then echo "" >$REBUILD_SCRIPT fi { echo "REM *******************************************" echo "REM $BUILD_TYPE index rebuild script for $TABLENAME" if [[ -n $INDEXNAME ]]; then echo "REM index $INDEXNAME" fi echo "REM (constraints currently disabled REM'd out)" echo "REM Created \c" date echo "REM *******************************************" echo "set timing on" } >>$REBUILD_SCRIPT echo "Creating final script ..." if [[ $UNIQUE_INDEXES != N ]]; then cat \ $DISABLE_FK_SQL \ $DISABLE_PK_SQL \ >>$REBUILD_SCRIPT fi cat \ $DROP_IDX_SQL \ $BLD_IDX_SQL \ >>$REBUILD_SCRIPT if [[ $UNIQUE_INDEXES != N ]]; then cat \ $ENABLE_PK_SQL \ $ENABLE_FK_SQL \ >>$REBUILD_SCRIPT fi if [[ $APPEND_TO_SCRIPT = N ]]; then echo "exit" >>$REBUILD_SCRIPT fi echo "Done" if [[ $DEBUG = Y ]]; then echo "** temp files are in ${WORK_DIR}" else rm -rf ${WORK_DIR} >/dev/null 2>&1 fi