rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------- rem Filename: x_plan.sql rem Purpose: Explain SQL Execution plan rem Date: 12-Apr-1998 rem Author: Frank Naude ( rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE FROM plan_table WHERE statement_id = 'XXX'; COMMIT; EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID = 'XXX' FOR select * from dual -----< Insert your SQL statement here <----- / column operation format a16 column options format a15 column object_name format a20 column id format 99 select lpad(' ',2*(level-1))||operation||' '||options||' '||object_name||' '|| -- decode(partition_id, NULL, '', -- 'PART:'||lower(partition_start||'-'||partition_stop))|| decode(optimizer, NULL, '', ' ['||optimizer||']')|| decode(id,0,' Cost=' ||nvl(position, 0)|| ' Rows=' ||nvl(cardinality,0)|| ' Bytes='||nvl(bytes, 0)) "Query Plan" from plan_table where statement_id = 'XXX' start with id = 0 and statement_id = 'XXX' connect by prior id = parent_id and statement_id = 'XXX' /